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Summary: Pentatonix are no longer together. Scott hasn't seen Mitch since the band broke up, but it takes a trip to Starbucks and spilt coffee to see his best friend again.

happy 50th chapter! thanks so much for 13k reads <3


It's been years since Scott has seen his best friend. Years since Pentatonix ended.

Yet still, Scott still can't get over it. He can't get over how everyone moved on. After everything they did, everyone was so quick to throw it away like it never happened.

Kirstie got married to Jeremy a few months after Pentatonix ended. Everyone came to the wedding, even Mitch showed up and made an appearance. They exchanged a few words with each other, and he left. Scott never saw him again after that. But Kirstie's married now, and Scott knows that she's trying to start a family with him and he can't be more happier for his friend. She'll be a great mother.

Kevin's a music teacher now, which isn't really surprising to Scott. Kevin loves music.

Avi's also still in the music industry. He keeps himself busy and he's doing well. Scott goes to his shows and supports him. He's even gone on stage with him a couple times. He doesn't do it often though because it makes him emotional and makes him miss the old Pentatonix days.

Scott, well he's still in the music industry as well. He continued posting covers on his own personal youtube channel and was even able to release an album which he is still very proud of. Scott's done a couple of shows here and there but he likes to stay out of the spotlight.

Scott often wonders about what Mitch is up to. Mitch doesn't tweet often though he does post on instagram every once in awhile. Scott knows he's in Texas but he's been too scared to try to find him. It would be awkward if they ever came in contact again, which broke Scott's heart because they were once inseparable. Scott just wishes that Mitch would talk to him again.


Scott's been lonely lately. He's decided that he wanted to get a dog. He doesn't have a boyfriend and he hates living in his apartment alone. Kirstie and Jeremy started an animal shelter a few months ago, and they're already packed with dogs so Scott might as well just adopt from there.

But first? Scott needs to stop at Starbucks. For some reason, he decided to do this early in the morning.

"Thank you so much, it was nice meeting you," Scott smiles as he watches a fan walk away. It's weird that even after two years of not being in Pentatonix, he's still being recognized. It's been a few months since he's posted a new cover and he hasn't really been active on social media. But, Scott still appreciates that even old Pentatonix fans recognize him and still love his music.

Scott turns around and gasps when he bumps into someone, spilling his coffee all over both of them.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" Scott quickly apologizes, helping the small boy up. He looks up and his eyes widen as soon as he realizes it is that he has run into. "Mitch?"

The boy looks up and his eyes also widen. "Scott?"

"I-" Scott stands up, and then he reaches over and grabs a couple of napkins from the counter and hands them to Mitch. "You're in LA? I-I thought you were in Texas?"

"Stalking me, are you?" Mitch asks jokingly, chuckling. "I just got here a few days ago."

"Any particular reason why?" Scott asks. He can't help but be curious.

"Just felt like coming back... it's been a few years," Mitch mumbles with a shrug.

And then it goes silent and awkward, which is what Scott has been afraid. There's no way he's letting Mitch go again without being able to catch up with him, and hopefully get some answers. He just wants to be able to move on. But at the same time, he doesn't want to move on from his old life.

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