fame (final)

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For MxtchGrxssix; Scott becoming more comfortable with the paparazzi!


"I love walking in the park," Scott says as he skips along the pathway next to the river.

Mitch chuckles as he watches his boyfriend, trailing a little behind him. "You're such a child,"

"Hey," Scott pouts as he looks over at Mitch. "Don't be mean!"

Mitch laughs and shakes his head. "I just don't understand how you have so much energy..."

Scott grins and then he turns his head the second he hears a camera go off.

"Scott," Mitch warns softly as he quickly rushes over to him.

"No, it's okay. It's just one paparazzi. As long as he doesn't bother us, I'm fine," Scott says.

"Wow. I'm impressed," Mitch smiles as he looks up at the tall blonde.

"Why?" Scott asks curiously as he reaches over and grabs Mitch's hand.

"This is the first time I've ever seen you calm in front of paparazzi," Mitch says.

Scott shrugs. "You were right before. I can't let them control my life forever. I'm still young and I have a lot of life left to live. I don't want to be trapped in our house forever, even though it is big and I could probably actually survive in it without going out..."

Mitch giggles. "I'm so proud of you. You've come along way these past six months,"

"Thanks, and it's all because of you. You pushed me but you were also patient," Scott says.

"Scott Hoying!"

Scott groans as soon as he hears someone shout his name. He looks over and sees the paparazzi running over to him. It's only one guy so Scott's pretty sure he can handle this one.

"I'm a big fan of yours. I love your new album!"

"Oh, thank you. I'm so glad. I worked very hard on it," Scott says calmly.

"I'm happy you came back. You're the one who helped me come out to my family-"

"Oh-" Scott places his hand over his heart. "I- wow. Thank you. That means so much to me."

Mitch smiles as he watches Scott interact with the young man, and sees Scott take a selfie with him. It was honestly a miracle to watch so Mitch is taking in every second that he can.

"Can I take a photo of you and Mitch? You two are such relationship goals,"

Mitch bites his lip slightly as he looks over at Scott and shrugs. "One photo won't hurt,"

"Yeah. I guess since you asked so nicely, and paparazzi usually don't ask when they take my photos..." Scott says. He wraps his arms around Mitch and pulls him into a kiss, leaning him back a little.

Mitch laughs as he kisses Scott back, eventually breaking the kiss with his giggles.

Scott smiles as he looks down at Mitch. "God, I'm so in love with you," he whispers.


"Can you believe it's been six years since we've been together?" Mitch asks as they pull up in a parking lot, they were planning on eating at a brand new restaurant that is currently very popular in LA. It's pretty expensive but that's not something that Scott and Mitch has to worry about.

"I mean, does it count as six years? We weren't together for two..."

"It counts," Mitch says quickly. "Now, can we go in? I'm starving."

"Sure you are," Scott chuckles and gets out of the car. He looks up and frowns when he sees paparazzi rushing over to them. "Hey. Back up guys. Take your pictures but please be careful around Mitch." He says before walking over to Mitch's side and opening the door for him.

"Scotty, there's a lot of paparazzi. I'm scared," Mitch whines.

"It's okay, my love. They're not going to hurt you," Scott reassures before looking back over at the paparazzi. "Come on guys. Back up. You don't need to be that close." He waves them back further until he's satisfied with the room he's got. All he cares about is Mitch's safety.

Mitch hesitates before stepping out of the car, and immediately rushing over to Scott's side to hide away from the cameras and flashing lights. Even though Mitch has been in front of them before, that hasn't stopped the fact that he has major anxiety and he doesn't really like his photos taken. He knows that they will be online later and there's nothing he can do to stop that. He's not the famous one, Scott is.

Scott smiles as he protectively wraps an arm around Mitch. "Good?"

"Mhm," Mitch nods before walking with Scott to the restaurant.

"He's a keeper, Scott!" Scott hears one of the paparazzi shout at them.

"I know!" Scott shouts as he glances back at the paparazzi. He looks down at Mitch and grins.

"Scott," Mitch whines as he buries his face in Scott's chest to hide his blush.

"What? It's true," Scott says before lifting Mitch's chin up and kissing him.

Mitch smiles as he stares into Scott's eyes. He couldn't be more proud of him. Two years ago Scott would not have been able to walk out in front of paparazzi like this. Now he's interacting with them. Scott's much happier than he was before and that's all that matters to Mitch really.

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