where are you now (pt. 3)

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A/N: how about a happy ending? :)

Also the next oneshot is the 100th one!!! Help I don't have any ideas!!! :(


Scott forgot how stressful it is to be in a band that's constantly making things and being busy.

Scott almost misses when he had nothing to do but he's happy to be back and performing again for their fans. That's what he missed most, seeing their fans.

"So, Scott should be back any minute," Mitch says as he stands with Lauren in the living room.

"How did you even get him out of the house?"

"Demanded him to go and get Starbucks," Mitch grins. "He thinks everybody is coming over for a livestream but he doesn't know that this little guy is here."

"I still haven't forgiven you for how you treated Scott," Lauren mumbles as she holds onto Noah. "He would call me every night, crying, because none of his so called friends would talk to him. I hated that."

"I'm never going to treat him like that again," Mitch says as he takes a deep breath. "I know I treated him awfully but I swear to God that I'll never treat him like that again. It killed me seeing him like that."

"The others? Where are they now?" Lauren asks, wanting to change the subject quickly.

"Waiting upstairs. They're dying to meet Noah but they agreed to wait until Scott got back home," Mitch tells her. "I think he has the right to see him first anyways. I mean... it's his child."

Mitch talks with Lauren for a few moments until Scott finally gets home. Mitch has been planning this moment for weeks with Lauren and he can't wait to see his reaction to seeing Noah for the first time.

"Mitchy? I'm back! I bring coffee," Scott announces.

"Bring it up to the living room, babe!" Mitch calls.

"'Kay, ow... fuck!"

Mitch chuckles and shakes his head, knowing how clumsy Scott is. "Silly,"

Scott walks up to the living room finally. "Can you believe how hot it is outside tod-" Scott looks up and drops both of the coffees onto the floor when he sees Lauren sitting on the couch with Noah in her arms.

"And there goes my coffee," Mitch sighs. "Surprise!"

"I-I don't... wh-what's going on?" Scott asks, eyes wide and mouth open in shock. He definitely hadn't been expecting this. He's happy of course, but confused as well.

"Well... I was talking to Lauren and we decided that you shouldn't have to wait until Christmas to see Noah. That's still two months away. We know how much you've missed him," Mitch says with a smile.

Scott gasps and then he quickly hugs Mitch before rushing over and sitting beside Lauren. "Oh my gosh... look at him. He's so big! I haven't seen him since he was a tiny baby."

Lauren smiles. "Here," she hands Noah over to Scott.

"Oh my God. Hi baby boy," Scott smiles and hugs Noah.

"Noah always wants to see you. We always watch old Superfruit and Pentatonix videos together whenever we can't FaceTime with you," Lauren says. "Every time he always points at you."

"I've missed him so much," Scott says, smiling as he watches Noah. "You've done amazing with him."

"You put a lot of trust in me to watch him so I wasn't about to let you down with that. But he's great. He and Landon are like best friends. It's nice that Landon has a friend to hang out with," Lauren grins.

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