jurassic world

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Summary: AU // Scott is basically Owen's character in which he works with the raptors, and Mitch is an average park goer who loves dinosaurs and is like a genius kid. Something goes wrong and Mitch almost gets attacked by a dinosaur, luckily Scott is there to save the day.

A/N: I'm hyped about Jurassic World 2 and honestly I haven't seen anyone else write about Jurassic Park which is surprising because it's like Scott's favorite movie, so... here's this lol.


Mitch couldn't be more excited about the fact that he was in Jurassic World.

Jurassic World, a theme park where you can stay there and visit dinosaurs. He never thought that he would ever see a dinosaur in real life. He's studied them ever since he was ten years old.

Mitch doesn't like to call himself a "genius" but he's been called very smart since he was a young boy, and honestly, he just likes to learn new things and know random interesting facts. Dinosaurs have always been his passion for as long as he can remember. He just finds them so fascinating, and now the dinosaurs are being brought back which Mitch finds exciting.

Mitch has spent a whole year saving up money just to be able to come to Jurassic World. His parents found the idea of a dinosaur theme park ridiculous so they told him if he ever wanted to go, then he would have to use his earn his own money and go. So, that's what he did.

And now, he's here. At Jurassic World. He's staying for a whole week. He wants to cram as much as he can into just one week. There's so much to see and learn that he can hardly wait.

Mitch has already been at the park pretty much all morning. He wants today to be a bit more relaxing and then do more of the fun stuff later. It's a lot to take in, especially for someone like him.

Mitch hadn't been paying attention. He was looking at the map while walking, and then suddenly hears people shouting and a bunch of other commotion. He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees people are running around in panic. He quickly looks around, trying to figure out what's going on.

"Raptor on the loose!"

Mitch gasps the second he spots the raptor, running freely through the crowd of people, and unfortunately straight towards him. Mitch hardly has any time to run away and take cover.

This is it. This is how he's going to die.

Mitch drops the map and starts walking backwards as fast as he can. He lets out a scream when the raptor runs right up to him, nearly right in his face, growling at him. Mitch whimpers covers his face, expecting the worst to happen, but then nothing comes which confuses Mitch. He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees a man standing in front of him, holding his arm out to protect Mitch.

Mitch breathes heavily as tears fall out of his eyes and down his cheek.

"Blue," the man warns, staring him down. "We talked about this." The raptor, named Blue, growls and desperately tries to move past the man. "Hey! Don't use that kind of attitude with me."

Mitch blinks a few times, glancing up at the blonde haired man.

"Back away, slowly..." The man whispers to Mitch, and Mitch obeys instantly.

"Holy shit," Mitch breathes. Scott Hoying just saved his life from a raptor attacking him. Mitch has done plenty of research on this man. He's most famous for working with the raptors. He's seen videos of him interacting with the dinosaurs and he finds it incredible that Scott has such a connection with them.

Before Mitch knows it, the raptor is captured safely and taken back to where the raptors stay.

Scott turns once he knows that Blue is in good hands and taken care of, as he only trusts a few people to look after the dinosaurs. He's very protective of them. Scott then walks over to Mitch. "I'm so sorry about that. You could have seriously been injured back there. Did he hurt you? I tried to get here as fast as I could when I heard that he escaped but as you can see... he's pretty fast," he chuckles.

Mitch stares at him with wide eyes. "H-How did you do that?" He asks.

Scott laughs. "I've raised them since birth so I know them pretty well. I'm practically their Alpha," he says. "I'm the only one they listen to which is why I was able to stop Blue from harming you."

"Whoa," Mitch whispers. "You have the coolest job in the world!"

"You're not wrong about that," Scott grins. "You never answered my question. Are you hurt at all?"

Mitch shakes his head. "No, Sir. You got to me just in time. He was literally about to bite my head off!"

"Yeah, that sounds like something Blue would do," Scott chuckles. "I'd like to make it up to you for almost getting attacked by a dinosaur. Are you busy at lunch time? I'll pay."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. It wasn't your fault-"

"Please," Scott tries again. "How about a lunch date?"

"A date?" Mitch blushes. How could he say no to a date from Scott Hoying? "Okay. It's a date!"

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