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Summary: AU // Scott is a celebrity but he doesn't want to be. He makes music and he loves making people happy. Unfortunately the media love to talk about him. They gossip. Scott can't take it anymore and he decides to leave. Leaving everything and everyone he loves behind.

A/N: This is surprisingly long but I'm gonna make a part two!


"Fuck you!" Scott yells angrily as he throws his remote at the TV. "Piece of shit!"

Another day, another rumor. Scott's used to this treatment from the media though. He's in the headlines almost every day now because people love to gossip about him. Even if it's not true.


Scott looks up as soon as he hears the quiet voice, and he can't help but smile at how absolutely adorable his boyfriend looks after waking up from sleeping, especially when he has his bed hair.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, did I wake you?" Scott asks.

"Kinda. What were you yelling at?" Mitch asks as he walks over to Scott, falling onto his lap.

"Damn news again," Scott says. "Apparently I fucked another popstar."

"Who is it this time? Rihanna?" Mitch laughs. "Are they really that desperate for news?"

"Yeah," Scott shakes his head. "They never provide evidence. It's just gossip and bullshit."

"Don't pay attention to it, baby. Your friends and family know the real you and that's all that matters," Mitch whispers before gently kissing Scott. "You can't let it get to you."

"But how can I ignore it when there's literally no way to escape? It's everywhere! I can't go online without a new article popping up and my face is in every teen magazine and it's even on fucking TV! The news! Why am I on the news when they should be covering important news like actual world news!"

"Scotty, calm down. Please. You're starting to scare me," Mitch says, frowning.

Scott takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down, but he's too heated right now.

"I know it's frustrating but that's what happens when you become a celebrity..."

"I never wanted to become that celebrity. I was just posting music on my youtube channel because I loved making music. I still do but... it's not as fun anymore. The media has ruined it for me," Scott mumbles.

Mitch frowns even more, feeling awful for his boyfriend. He never knew that Scott has felt this way and he wishes that there's something that he could do to make things better but he can't.

"Why do we go get some lunch? Take your mind off of all of this?" Mitch asks.

"I don't wanna go out. Paparazzi are probably waiting outside the apartment right now," Scott sighs.

"Where is Austin?" Mitch asks, pulling out his phone.

"Gave him the day off," Scott says. "He's got a life too."

"Oh, well about we order a pizza and watch Stranger Things on Netflix?" Mitch smiles.

"That does sound really good right now. Can we cuddle too?"

"Of course, my love," Mitch smiles and gently kisses Scott's forehead. "We can do anything you want."


Scott can't take it anymore. He hates being famous. He hates being a celebrity.

Scott absolutely loves making music and making his fans happy but how can he make his fans happy when he's not happy anymore. He wishes the media would just leave him alone but they won't. It's like they thrive off of making him miserable. No matter what Scott says, they won't listen to him.

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