cute employee

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Summary: AU // Scott and Kirstie visit the new competition, and in the process, Scott saves Mitch after he gets fired from his job, earning himself a cute new employee.


"Why exactly did we come to this restaurant?" Kirstie asks as she follows Scott inside the building.

"Because, it's new competition. I just want to check out the new restaurant everyone's talking about," Scott replies. "Plus, I hear they have some pretty cute waiters so look out for those."

"You," Kirstie chuckles and shakes her head. "Are you that desperate for a boyfriend?"

"Hey," Scott pouts. "Do you know how long it's been since I've had a long-time boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I know-" Kirstie says. "You made reservations, right?"

"Of course," Scott smiles and walks up to the greeter at the door. "Reservation for Scott Hoying?"

The greeter checked his clipboard before looking up at Scott and smiling at him. "Follow me," he says.

Scott and Kirstie start to follow the greeter, but before they get to their seats, they hear some yelling. Scott looks over and frowns when he sees a man yelling at one of the employees. From the looks of it, the employee had accidentally run into the man, dropping the food he had on his tray.

"I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" The employee exclaims, his eyes widening with shock.

"Bullshit! You ran right into me! Where is the manager? You need to be fired!"

The employee gasps. "Y-You can't do that! I need this job!"

"The manager please," the man says with a smirk.

Scott frowns and walks over to the two men. "What's going on here?" He asks.

"Are you the manager?" The man asks.

"No, but I don't think it's very fair that you're yelling at this poor waiter. It was clearly an accident and he apologized to you," Scott says. "You're just making it a bigger deal than it is."

"What's the issue here?" Scott looks over at a lady, who he assumes is the manager of the restaurant.

"This... employee, of yours... spilled food all over my expensive clothing!" The man yells angrily.

"Mitch? Again? How many times is this going to happen? We're only on our first week opening up..." The lady sighs frustratingly. "I'm sorry but this can't keep happening. Our customers happiness comes first."

"It was an honest mistake! I didn't see him there! Please, I need this job!" Mitch begs.

"You're going to fire him over one simple mistake?" Scott asks, shocked.

"It's not the first time this has happened," the manager says, looking over at Scott. "I'm sorry, Mitchell... but I'll have to fire you. I wish you the best though. Perhaps you shouldn't work at restaurants in the future."

"Nonsense. Come with me, Mitch. You can work at my restaurant," Scott says, reaching over and pulling Mitch closer to him. "We'll be happy to have you on board with us."

"Sir... I don't think that's a very good idea," Mitch says. "Clearly I'm not cut out to be a waiter."

"If you have a restaurant of your own, what are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking..." The manager says, raising her eyebrows at Scott.

"Wanted to check out the competition. However, I'm finished here," Scott says. He pulls out his phone and quickly texts Kirstie, telling her that they were leaving. "I don't need to taste your food to know  that it's awful."

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