just the two of us

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Summary: Scott and Mitch have been in a daddy / little relations for a long time, but then Avi finds out about their relationship and joins them. Mitch quickly becomes jealous of how close his two daddies have gotten and decides to do something about it.

yes, scomavi up ahead but scomiche is the main couple

sorry if this is a little weird, I came up with this idea awhile ago lol


Scott sighs tiredly as he stands in the kitchen, preparing a dinner, though a smile is there on his face as he hears his little giggling at the TV in the living room.

It's been a long day with his energetic little, but finally the night as calmed down.

Scott is too focused on a million other things that he doesn't hear the front door open.

A moment later, Scott jumps when a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, instantly knowing who it is.

"Hey stranger,"

Scott smiles at the voice. He drops what he has in his hands and turns around, facing his boyfriend. "Finally. I've missed you all fucking day," he says, kissing Avi once.

"Sorry, babe. It was a busy day at the studio, y'know? Really want to perfect this EP,"

Scott pouts. "It's going to be weird without you..." He whispers.

"I know, and I hate that it had to come to this because I love Pentatonix so much but... you know how important my family and home is to me. Besides, I'll still see you. I'll see you whenever you're home and I'll even come to some future Pentatonix shows to support my boys," Avi says.

"And, you're sure you're okay with us getting a new bass?" Scott asks.

"Absolutely," Avi replies with a nod. "We can't let Pentatonix fall apart after all of our hard work. It's like... starting a new chapter. It will definitely be interesting though... that's for sure."

"Yeah," Scott chuckles and then he lets out a yawn.

"Tired?" Avi raises his eyebrows as he looks up at the tall blonde.

"It's been a long day and I'm exhausted. Mitch has been in little space all day and hasn't slowed down..."

"All day?" Avi frowns. "Babe, why didn't you call me? I would have come home sooner."

"No way. Your EP is important to you and I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I can handle him... it's just a little exhausting when he's just going non stop. I mean, fuck. He has a lot of energy. I'm not complaining... You know, sometimes it's a good thing," Scott smirks.

"Scott!" Avi laughs. "I don't even want to know."

"Yeah, you'll just be jealous to know that we had sex twice today," Scott says.

"Twice?" Avi asks, a little surprised. "Well shit, no wonder you're exhausted."

Scott laughs and then he turns around and grabs two plates, handing one to Avi. "It's dinner time. Mitchy is finally calmed down. After dinner... he's going to bed and I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Okay, babe. You better have made enough dinner for yourself as well," Avi warns gently.

"Of course" Scott nods and grabs another plate he made for himself.

"Okay, good. Sometimes I worry about you. You work too hard," Avi smiles.

"I know, but, I've got a little to take care of... and I'm in a famous band, so..." Scott shrugs and then he walks out of the kitchen and to the living room. "Mitchy? Look who's home."

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