tour, tour, tour

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Summary: Scott is feeling nervous about their upcoming world tour. Good thing he has his boyfriend to comfort him.


Scott sighed quietly to himself as he stayed curled up in his bunk.

He knew that he should be up with the others, celebrating their new tour.

But, for some reason, he just wasn't. He just felt tired and he knew that it was going to be a long drive before they actually go to Florida. Of course, he was excited about going on tour with Pentatonix, and maybe he was nervous too. Scott figured it was his nerves that were keeping him from celebrating with the others. He didn't want bad his mood to ruin their fun.

However, it wasn't long before Scott heard the curtains open and even though he had his back facing the outside, he knew exactly who it was, and a smile formed on Scott's face.

Scott felt the person crawl into the the bunk and sure enough, Scott was right. It was Mitch.

Mitch made his way in between the small space between Scott and the wall.

Scott wrapped his arm around Mitch and pulled him close to his chest.

"Hi," Mitch giggled as he reached over to kiss Scott.

"Hi there," Scott chuckled. "Haven't seen you in a while, huh?"

"Which brings me to ask... what are you doing in here all by yourself?" Mitch asked curiously, moving his purple hair out of the way so he could see Scott.

"Just... hanging around," Scott shrugged and he looked down at the smaller boy.

"Well-" Mitch poked Scott's chest. "You shouldn't be in here alone."

"I know," Scott sighed. "I just... didn't feel like being out. Didn't get enough sleep last night."

"That's because you were too busy worrying about the tour," Mitch rolled his eyes.

"I can't help it," Scott pouted. "There's a lot of things to be worried about."

"But everything's going to be fine. You worried about the last tour and it was successful," Mitch said. "So, what's different about this tour?" He asked, locking eyes with Scott.

"Well first of all... it's a world tour, which means more cities and countries," Scott began.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "We've been all around the world before. Moving on,"

"Yeah... but we never did a world tour!" Scott argued.

"Baby, you need to stop worrying so much or you'll drive yourself crazy. You're travelling around with some of your best friends and you're going to have the time of your life performing for thousands of people every day. I want you to have fun and not worry," Mitch said softly.

"I know, and I'm sorry for being such a downer but it's just who I am. I know I'll feel better once I know the first show goes well," Scott sighed softly. "I'm just... glad you're here. You're always so positive and I'm always freaking the fuck out over nothing."

"Well, one of us has to be positive, don't we?" Mitch smiled. He leaned forward and kissed Scott.

"Have I ever mentioned that I love you?" Scott asked, smiling.

"You might have let it slip a few times," Mitch giggled.

"I love you; and I love your cute little giggles, your eyes, your smile... and your purple hair..."

"So complimentary, wow," Mitch grinned. He moved closer and kissed Scott again.

Scott smiled and happily continued the kiss for a few more seconds before Mitch pulled away and climbed somewhat on top of Scott. "Oh, hello there..." He chuckled.

"Will you please come out and join the rest of us?" Mitch asked softly. "We've got alcohol."

"I thought we said no drinking on tour this time?" Scott raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but we're celebrating so this is different," Mitch pouted. "Please, Scotty?"

"Christ, Mitch. You know I can't say no when you make that face," Scott groaned.

"I know. Why do you think I do it all the time?" Mitch grinned.

"It's late," Scott began. "But I'll get out for a little while just to make you happy, okay?"

Mitch smiled. "Thank you," he said before sliding off of Scott and out of the bunk. Mitch opened the curtain and let Scott climb out as well before taking his hand and leading the way towards the lounge, where the other members of Pentatonix were hanging and some of their friends as well.

"Ah, look who decided to show up," Kirstie joked when Mitch returned with Scott.

"Leave me alone, I'm tired," Scott whined. He sat down on the couch next to Kirstie and then he let Mitch sat down on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around him.

Mitch smiled and kissed his cheek. "Told you I'd get him out,"

"You did," Kirstie smiled. "We simply couldn't celebrate without you!"

"Yeah, yeah," Scott rolled his eyes playfully. "Now... about that alcohol I was promised?"

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