scotty (final)

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Trigger Warnings: slight abuse


Unfortunately, Mitch couldn't agree to being Scotty's daddy right away. He didn't feel comfortable enough because of how little he knew about littles. But, he did agree to care for Scotty until he can find a permanent daddy. He learned as much as he could so that Scott could be happy whenever he was in little space.

Mitch bought everything he thought Scott would need that he didn't already had which included snacks, sippy cups, jammies, stuffies, even more toys and much more stuff. He had truly spoiled Scotty, but he liked it. It was weird kind of, but it's only been a week and he's already getting used to little Scotty. He found him very extremely adorable and sweet, not that normal Scott wasn't. But this makes him even sweeter.

Now it's been a month since Mitch has learned about Scotty. Mitch pretty much knew everything about Scotty. He knew what he liked and what he didn't like, and knew how to take care of him.

But now, Scott had coming home with another man who he called 'daddy', and Mitch didn't like it.

"Daddy, can we go shopping?" Scott asks excitedly as he jumps up and down.

"No, Scotty. Go watch cartoons or something-" Joe rolls his eyes at the little.

"B-But it's almost Christmas, a-and I wanna buy Mitchy a present!" Scott whines.

"Not right now," Joe snaps. "Are you disobeying me, Scotty? Do you need a punishment?" He sits up from his spot on the couch and reaches over to grab Scott, but Scott quickly jumps back.

"No, daddy!" Scott yells, glaring at him and stomping his feet.

Joe growls, and then he grabs Scott closer harshly, and slaps him hard on the cheek.

Tears instantly start welling up in Scott's eyes. "D-Daddy..."

"Do as I say," Joe says sternly as he stares at Scott. "Remember who's in charge here."

"Who do you think you are talking to him like that?"

Scott instantly looks over and gasps when he sees Mitch standing in the doorway. "Mitchy!" he cries before running over to him and falling into his arms, letting the tears pour out of his eyes.

"Oh sweetheart," Mitch whispers as he engulfs Scott in a warm hug. "It's okay, Scotty.

Joe immediately stands up from the couch, glaring at Mitch. "Hands off my little!" He shouts.

Mitch looks up at Joe and laughs. "You think you own him or something?"

"Yes, he's mine. So get your filthy hands off him. Right now," Joe demands.

"A queen doesn't take orders, thank you very much. I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Mitch says.

"You can't tell me what to do," Joey scoffs. "Come on, Scott. Let's-"

"I asked you to leave," Mitch snaps, holding onto Scott tighter. "Now, before I call the police."

"Oh yeah? And what are the police going to do? I've done nothing," Joe smirks.

"Really? That so? Because I think that hand print on Scotty's cheek says otherwise," Mitch replies. "Get out of my fucking house right now." He points towards the door angrily.

Joe scoffs and grabs his phone off the coffee table. "Doesn't matter. I can find a better little than Scotty," he snaps before storming out of the living room without saying another word.

Mitch frowns and looks down at Scott, gently lifting his chin up. "Oh no," he whispers.

Scott lets out a sob as more tears pour out of his eyes.

"Sweetheart, don't cry. It's going to be okay. The bad man is gone now. Let's go clean you up, and then we'll make some cookies and watch dinos. How's that sound?" Mitch suggests, drying Scott's tears.

Scott sniffs and slowly nods. "O-Otay," he mumbles sadly.

"Come on, little bear," Mitch gently takes Scott's hand and leads him upstairs.

Mitch finally gets Scott up to the bathroom, and has him sit up on the counter. He hands him a stuffed bear to help him calm down, and so that he will also have something to distract him as well.

"Ow!" Scott cries when Mitch starts cleaning his cheek.

"I'm sorry bear. It's gonna hurt a little but I have to clean it," Mitch tells him.

Scott's lips start to tremble, and he can't help but let a few more tears slip out of his eyes.

"Baby, please don't cry. It's just going to make it worse," Mitch says softly. "It's going to be okay."

Scott tries his best not to cry while Mitch continued cleaning his cheek. And, he's not even crying because it hurts when Mitch is cleaning him. He's crying because his daddy hurt him and was mean to him. He thought that his daddy was nice. It had only been a week since they started seeing each other.

How could things go so wrong? It must have been Scotty who'd done something wrong...

"There, that's better," Mitch says as he places the washcloth on the counter. "Feel better?"

"I guess," Scott mumbles as he looks down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers.

Mitch frowns. He can tell that Scott is still upset about earlier. He doesn't want his little bear to be upset. "Okay... I-I've thought about it. And... I don't want anyone else to be your daddy."

Scott looks up at Mitch and blinks a few times. "Wh-What do you mean?" He sniffs.

"I want to be your official daddy," he says. "And I'll make sure that no one hurts you like this again."

Scott gasps, and immediately flings his arms around Mitch, hugging him tightly.

Mitch laughs and hugs him back. "Oh, you're such a sweet boy," he mumbles as he closes his eyes.

Mitch and Scott head back home, where they start baking cookies.

Scott sits patiently in a chair at the table, drinking out of his sippy cup that has orange juice.

"Can we decorate the cookies?" Scott asks as he looks up at Mitch with excitement in his eyes.

"Of course we can, bear. That's why I'm getting out all of these decorations," Mitch chuckles.

"Yay!" Scott squeals and claps his hands excitedly.

Mitch laughs and walks over to ruffle Scott's hair, before walking back into the kitchen.

"Daddy, I wanna watch cartoons. I'm bored," Scott complains after a few minutes of just sitting there. Mitch instantly takes out his phone and turns on Netflix, turning on Phineas and Ferb for Scott.

Mitch sets the phone in front of Scott, setting it up on a stand so Scott can see.

Mitch stops for a moment and he looks over at Scott, though Scott is now focused on the cartoon. He had just realized that Scott called him daddy for the first time and he liked it. It makes him smile.

They finish baking cookies, and then they head to the living room. Scott sits on the couch while Mitch puts on Jurassic World, as requested by Scott.

Mitch smiles and then he sits next to Scott. "Better," he kicks his feet up on the coffee table and then he gently grabs Scott and pulls him closer to his side.

"Daddy?" Scott asks as he glances up at Mitch.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Mitch asks, looking back at Scott.

"I love you," Scott tells him before he happily starts munching on the cookie in his hand.

Mitch can't help the smile that forms on his face. "Yeah? I love you too Scotty," he gently presses a kiss to Scott's forehead.

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