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Summary: Scott has a little too much to drink, and Mitch takes care of him during and after.

A/N: Sorry I suck at updating. I haven't had any ideas for oneshots haha.


"Scott, you're drunk," Mitch says, stating the obvious.

"Thanks. You're pretty," Scott mumbles, slurring his words as he flings his arms around Mitch.

"That's nice," Mitch sighs. He knew going out would be a bad idea, but they were finally on break after their first US tour leg and it's been awhile since he and Scott have been able to go out and have fun.

"Mimi, I wanna dance!" Scott whines as he tugs on his boyfriend's arms.

"Scott, sweetheart, how many drinks have you had tonight?" Mitch asks, immediately noticing the half finished glass of alcohol that Scott is currently holding in his hand.

Scott giggles. "Not enough. Please, dance!" He jumps up and down around Mitch, trying to dance to the beat. He almost trips over his own feet, which causes Mitch to burst into laughter.

"Oh,  I think it's time we go home. I'm way too sober for this and you're way too drunk," Mitch says as he pulls Scott closer to him, taking the glass away from Scott. Usually it was Scott who would have to drag Mitch out of the club whenever they went out, but Mitch didn't really feel like drinking tonight, though he did have a few drinks, but not enough to get him drunk.

"I'm not drunk! You're drunk!" Scott exclaims, grabbing the glass back Mitch. "I'm the most soberist girl in the world!"

Mitch gasps as alcohol is spilled all over Scott and himself. "Dammit Scott," he rolls his eyes. "I just bought this shirt yesterday!" He wants to be angry with Scott for being so careless, but he can't, because he's drunk out of his mind and he doesn't know what he's doing.

Scott doesn't seem to care that he's spilt alcohol all over himself, he's just still dancing.

Mitch grabs a few napkins to try and clean himself up the best he can. He looks over and sees Scott, and another man was next to him, whispering something in his ear. Mitch glares and instantly walks over to Scott, pulling him away from the man. "Don't even think about it," he snaps before dragging Scott away.

Mitch is furious that someone would try to take advantage of Scott, who was clearly drunk. He's always been a jealous person, though he never wants to admit that out loud Mitch is very protective of Scott, and he never wants to see anyone act like that around his boyfriend again.

"Come on, we're going home," Mitch says as he gently pulls Mitch into an uber.

"My head hurts," Scott whines, slurring his words slightly as he's pulled into the car.

"I know, baby, we'll be home in a few moments," Mitch whispers softly, wrapping his arms around Scott's shoulders, allowing Scott to fall into his lap. Mitch chuckles and shakes his head as he looks down at Scott. "You are not going to be happy in the morning, Scotty." Mitch knows that he's going to be the one who has to take care of Scott in the morning when he wakes up, good thing he doesn't mind.

Mitch gets him and Scott home safely, though with great difficulty.

"Why are you so heavy," Mitch groans as he finally gets into his bed.

"Rude," Scott mumbles before curling up in his blankets, and he falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.

Mitch smiles and gently kisses Scott's forehead before standing back up.

"Mitchy? Stay?' Scott asks tiredly, reaching back up for Mitch.

"I'll be back in a minute. I have to go check on Wyatt," Mitch says. He tucks Scott up and makes sure he's comfortable before leaving the room. He finds Wyatt curled up on his pillow in his own bedroom.

Mitch makes sure Wyatt has enough food and water before going back to Scott's room.

Scott is already passed out completely on his bed, and Mitch couldn't help but laugh.

The next morning, Mitch is woken up by the sound of groaning. He doesn't even have to think about what the noise is because he already knows. He looks over and no longer sees Scott beside him, then he glances up at the clock and sees that it's 8 in the morning.

It's too fucking early, Mitch thinks before pushing himself up.

Mitch walks out of Scott's bedroom and goes straight into the kitchen. He gets a glass of water ready and grabs some Tylenol for Scott, knowing the massive headache he's probably going to have because of the hangover. Scott drank a lot of alcohol last night.

Mitch looks up as soon as he walks back into the bedroom and smiles when he sees Scott, who was just walking out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Morning, sleepyhead. I brought you gifts-" He lifted up the two items that he is holding in his hands to show Scott.

"Oh, thank you. You are an angel sent from heaven above," Scott says as he walks over to Mitch to take the two items from him. "I am never drinking again. Ever."

"That's what you said last time we went out," Mitch says, giggling.

"Shush," Scott mumbles before tossing the pill into his mouth, then taking a drink of the water.

Mitch walks back over to the bed and flops down onto it, curling up into the blankets. "It's too early,"

"Sorry babe," Scott apologizes. "Do we have anything planned today?"

"No," Mitch answers before letting out a loud yawn. "But we need to film for the next Superfruit video so we don't have to worry about it later. Got any ideas?"

"No, but I'll try to think of some, and then I'll let you know," Scott says as he also sits back down on the bed. "Thank God we don't have to do anything today, and thank God we're on a break."

Mitch laughs. "That's what you get when you drink a lot of alcohol,"

"Well excuse me for wanting to have a good time," Scott pouts.

"Yeah, whatever," Mitch rolls his eyes. "Now if you excuse me-"

Scott raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Mitch, knowing his boyfriend was mocking him.

"I'm going back to bed," Mitch mumbles before crawling under the blankets.

"Okay, goodnight sweetheart," Scott chuckles and shakes his head at the smaller boy.

"Night," Mitch says before closing his eyes and falling back to sleep.

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