special night (x)

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Summary: AU // Mitch's parents are away for the weekend, leaving Mitch in the house alone. Mitch decides to call his boyfriend over to spend the weekend with him. They definitely take advantage of being home alone for the first time.

Trigger Warnings: mentions of self-harm

writing smut is so weird but I finally did it sdfghjkasdau

I'm sorry if this is all wrong but I really did try my best ❤

CantSleepMitch you better love me for this 😂❤


"Thanks for coming over," Mitch grins as he let's his boyfriend inside.

"Of course. Anything for my baby," Scott grins right back at him and then leans down to kiss Mitch.

Mitch giggles and then he shuts the door and locks it. "So, good news..."

"Oh, good news?" Scott questions curiously as he turns and looks over at Mitch.

"My parents are gone for the weekend. They went on some last minute business trip or whatever. I wasn't really paying attention when they were telling me. So, that means... we have the whole house to ourselves! And you can stay as long as you want which is even better," Mitch says excitedly.

"Okay, but I have to ask my parents first and... we can't tell them that we're here alone because they would ground me for life if they knew that we stayed here by ourselves with no parental supervision," Scott says as he pulls out his phone, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Ooh, such a bad boy. Lying to your parents," Mitch says as he walks over to him.

"I'm a dangerous man, Mitch. Nothing stops me," Scott jokes.

"You're such a dork," Mitch laughs and snuggles up to Scott as he calls his parents.

"Hey mom, is it okay if I stay at Mitch's for the weekend?" Scott asks.


"Mom, I'm seventeen now. I'm almost an adult. Can't you trust me this once?"


"Yes, Mr. And Mrs. Grassi will look after us,"

Mitch looks up at Scott and smirks, knowing that it was a lie.

But hey, they were a couple... and they hardly got any time alone together. They're parents were constantly watching them like hawks. This is the first time they would ever do something like this.

It was kind of... fun, in Mitch's opinion.

Mitch never lies to his before. But... this one time won't hurt, right?

"Okay, thanks mom. I'll see you Sunday. Yeah, I love you too. Bye," Scott says before quickly hanging up. "Geez, I thought she was never going to hang up-" He laughs.

"So, does this mean you can stay?" Mitch asks hopefully.

"Yeah, but I gotta go home in a bit to grab some things if I'm going to be staying the whole weekend but it shouldn't take very long," Scott tells him.

Mitch squeals excitedly. "This is so fun! I've never been so rebellious before," he says.

"Rebellious?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows. "You need to get out more."

"Yeah, try telling that to my father who makes me go to church every Sunday," Mitch scoffs.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Scott leans down and kisses his forehead.

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