uh oh

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Summary: Mitch is a little, Scott is his daddy. The rest of PTX find out about their relationship.


Mitch knew he was in trouble the moment he woke up in little space.

Today Scott and Mitch were going to be at the studio to record for the new Pentatonix EP, and they were probably going to try to finish some more original songs. Mitch couldn't be in little space.

"Good morning sunshine," Scott greets when he sees that Mitch is awake.

Mitch flinches slightly at the pet name. Scott is not helping him right now.

"Are you hungry, baby? I can make a quick breakfast before we leave," Scott tells him.

"Okay," Mitch says quietly, not moving from his spot.

Come on Mitchie, get out of little space. You have to be an adult today!!!

Mitch lays there for a moment before he slowly pushes himself out of bed. He gets up and walks to his (very large) closet. One side if full of all of his little clothes while the other side is his normal clothes. It's taking everything in him not to grab one of his little outfits. Mitch finally grabs one of his normal outfits.

"You look cute," Scott says when Mitch walks into the kitchen, now fully cleaned and dressed.

Mitch pouts. "But I thought I always look cute?"

Scott smiles and pulls Mitch close to his sides. "I'm sorry baby boy. You are always cute,"

Mitch whines. "Don't call me that, Daddy! I'm supposed to be a big boy today,"

"Oh, shoot. I totally almost forgot about that. Are you gonna be okay today? I can tell you're battling with yourself... we don't have to go today. I don't want you uncomfortable..."

"I think I'll be okay... I just need to keep myself distracting from, you know," Mitch mumbles.

"It's okay. I'll be there if you need anything," Scott gently kisses his forehead.

Mitch smiles and leans into the touch. "What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, of course. Your favorite," Scott says as he hands Mitch a plate.

Mitch gasps. "Mickey Mouse pancakes!" He squeals excitedly.

Scott chuckles as he watches Mitch walk over to the kitchen table. Of course, they don't start eating without Scott taking an adorable instagram boomerang of Mitch and his pancakes first.

"Time to go, Mitch. Come on!" Scott shouts as he stands at the door.

"Daddy, I'm coming!" Mitch yells from the top of the stairs.

Scott bites his lip nervously. Mitch is still in little space. He can't be in little space at the studio. Not because Scott doesn't want him to be but mostly because the rest of Pentatonix don't have a clue about Mitch being a little and Scott being a Dom. They never told them.

Scott and Mitch decided not to tell anyone because they didn't want it to get out into the media. Mitch being in little space is supposed to be his comfort and safety zone. Things would only be more stressful if the media found out that Mitch is a little. Scott doesn't want that for Mitch.

"Got your wallet?"





"Yes, you can see my jacket!" Mitch grins as he does a little turn, showing off his jacket.

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