where are you now

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A/N: This is well over 4k words. I'm certain this is my longest oneshot yet 😂

This is also not very happy and I have no idea where this idea came from but I thought of it and really wanted to write (because I love writing role reversals) and you probably shouldn't read this if you don't like mpreg or the idea of pregnant!Scott.

Also I couldn't think of a title for this uGH

Trigger Warnings: self-harm


Scott never thought his life would lead up to this, yet here he is.

Pregnant, and with no support.

All because of his ex-boyfriend getting him drunk one night and they had unprotected sex.

Now, all of his friends hate him. All of Pentatonix hate him.

Everyone is pissed because they had to change so much of their upcoming tour because Scott wouldn't be able to do them being pregnant. He's not going to be able to give one hundred percent like usual. They were finally ahead of schedule and he had to go and ruin things.

Luckily, he still has his family's support and his fans don't know so they can't hate him.

Scott doesn't even want to be pregnant but getting an abortion was out of the question. He is going to have the baby because he has to pay for the consequences. He hasn't decided about adoption yet. The thought of giving his baby up to strangers scares him.

Being pregnant and being in a band that's constantly moving definitely isn't easy.

Pentatonix has just released their latest EP and have started doing promos. Usually Scott is the one who talks the most during the interviews due to the others being shy but Mitch and Kirstie has taken that roll. Scott is quiet and sits in the back. He doesn't say a word, mostly because the others will glare at him and everything becomes awkward. The fans have definitely noticed some tension in the band.

Scott's snapped out of his thoughts when he feels someone hit his arm.

Scott quickly looks up and sees all eyes on him, even the interviewer.

"Answer the question," Mitch says, obviously annoyed with Scott not paying attention.

"I..." Scott's eyes widen. "I'm sorry. Wh-What was the question?"

"That's quite alright. What is your favorite track from the new EP?" The interviewer asks.

"I... I don't know. Bohemian Rhapsody," Scott mumbles, just wanting the attention off of him.

The interview ends. Scott heads to his and Mitch's dressing room. Scott is usually by himself now though because Mitch spends his time in Kirstie's dressing room to avoid Scott.

Scott walks into his dressing room and goes to shut the door but stops when Mitch pushes the door open and storms into the dressing room. Scott knows that he's angry with him.

"What the fuck was that? Fucking pay attention next time!" Mitch yells.

Scott gasps at Mitch's raised voice. He should be used to it by now though. "I-I'm-"

"You made us look like complete idiots out there. Ugh, you can't do anything right!" Mitch yells angrily before storming out of the dressing room, leaving Scott in tears.

That's how it's been the past few weeks since Scott told the band he was pregnant.

That's how it went the next few weeks. Things didn't slow down and Scott is exhausted but nobody seems to care about how he feels. They're about to start touring again and Scott doesn't know if he'll be able to handle it. But it's not like he has the option to quit.

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