fake boyfriend

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Summary: Scott needs to bring a date to his family dinner this year for Christmas, and decides to ask his roommate to be his pretend boyfriend. There's just only one problem... he and his roommate don't really get along with each other.


"Sweetie, will you be bringing a date this year?"

Scott groans. "Mom, why can't you understand that I'm happy being single?" He asks.

"It's Christmas, and you shouldn't spend Christmas alone," Connie argues.

"I'm not going to be spending Christmas alone. I'll be with my family,"

"That doesn't count. What about that nice boy you live with? What is his name? Michael?" Connie asks.

Scott rolls his eyes. "No, his name is Mitch," he mumbles.

"Bring him. I bet you two would be a great couple!" Connie exclaims.

Yeah, except for the fact that we can't stand each other, Scott thinks to himself.

"I'll see what I can do mom but I'm not making any promises. I have to go, okay? I promised Mitch I would go to the grocery store tonight. I'll see you in a week. Tell dad I said hi," Scott says.

Scott hangs up on his mom and groans as he buries his face in his hands.

"You're going to the groceries?"

Scott looks up and blinks a few times when he hears Mitch's voice.

"Uh, I wasn't actually planning on going but I can if you need something?" Scott says.

"There's a couple things I need. I'll give you money. I'm just... exhausted from work today," Mitch says.

"No, it's fine. I'll go," Scott says as he stands up. "Is... this our first conversation without screaming?"

"Like I said... I'm exhausted from work. Don't get used to this," Mitch snaps.

Scott rolls his eyes. "You be nice to me, I'm going to the store for you," he snaps back.

Mitch gives Scott a small list of things that he needs from the store and some money, and Scott heads out. He buys all of Mitch's things and even buys a few last minute Christmas presents for family. He's gone for an hour when he finally returns back from shopping and it's almost 10 o'clock at night now.

"Took you long enough, you were gone for fucking ever," Mitch says when Scott walks into the kitchen with bags in his hands. "Did you get everything?" He grabs a few bags from Scott.

"Yes," Scott sighs in relief once the bags are out of his hands. "I also bought some things..."

"Oh," Mitch says, before setting the bags onto the counter.

"Can I ask you something?" Scott asks, biting his lip slightly.

"I guess," Mitch mumbles with a shrug. "Can't promise an answer though."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Do you have any plans for Christmas?" He asks.

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Scott. "Um, not really. Why are you asking?"

Scott's eyes lit up. "Okay... you're going to think I'm crazy and you don't have to do this but... my family have this Christmas dinner every year and my mom expects me to bring a date. A nice boy. She thinks I shouldn't spend Christmas alone-" He rolls his eyes. "But I don't have a boyfriend and I know you're gay-"

"This isn't going where I think it's going, is it?" Mitch asks.

"Please!" Scott begs. "Please, will you pretend to be my boyfriend?

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