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Summary: AU // Scott is hired as Mitch's new bodyguard after Mitch learns he has a stalker. However, it doesn't take Mitch very long to release that he has feelings for his new bodyguard.

 However, it doesn't take Mitch very long to release that he has feelings for his new bodyguard

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"I want the best bodyguard you can find!" Mitch snaps at his manager.

"Don't worry Mitch. I'll look all over the world if I have to,"

"Good, because I'm sick of feeling unsafe because of some fan stalking me!"


"Mitch, I would like you to meet Scott Hoying," Esther introduces Mitch to his new bodyguard.

"Hello, Mitch. It's a pleasure to meet you," Scott says as he shakes Mitch's hand. "I'm Scott."

"You're my new bodyguard?" Mitch asks as he looks at Scott up and down. He's definitely not the most buff bodyguard Mitch has ever seen but he's definitely the most attractive bodyguard.

"Is there a problem?" Scott asks, glancing over at Esther nervously.

"No, no. You're just not as... big, as my last bodyguard,"

"Big?" Scott repeats, even more confused. "I don't understand...?"

"Mitch, if this is some dirty joke..." Esther warns, crossing her arms against her chest.

Mitch giggles and shakes his head. "Your muscles, silly. Gosh, who do you think I am! It's just that my last bodyguard was much bigger than you but I guess that doesn't matter since he was pretty shit at his job," he rolls his eyes. "You do understand the situation, don't you? This is pretty serious."

"Of course I do, Esther explained it to me in great detail, and I promise that I will do whatever I can to make sure that you are safe from anyone who tries to harm you," Scott says, nodding. "I do understand that you are being stalked. Have you talked to the police about the situation yet?"

"Of course I have, but they can't do anything until they figure out who is stalking me. This guy is very good at keeping his identity a secret. But, I promise I will be able to tell you when I feel unsafe around my fans," Mitch tells him, gently crossing his arms against his chest. "Hopefully that doesn't have to happen."

"Do you feel unsafe around your fans often?" Scott asks curiously.

Mitch chuckles and shakes his head. "No, my fans are very sweet to me. It's just unfortunate that one 'fan' is ruining it for others," he replies sadly. "But that's why I hired you. To help make the situation safer."

"So, what happens now?" Scott asks, looking at Mitch.

Mitch's tour begins one week after Scott is introduced to Mitch. They pair had already spent quite a lot of time together. Scott hung around Mitch whenever he rehearsed to see what he is all about.

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