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Summary: AU // Scott has a lot of money and is looking for a new sugar baby after his last one didn't work out. Mitch is homeless and is introduced to Scott. He's very inexperienced and couldn't tell you the first thing about sex, but Scott decides to give him a chance but it isn't easy, and he wonders if having Mitch as his sugar baby is a good idea.


"What did you say his name was again?" Scott asks as he looks over at his friend, Kevin.

"Mitchell Grassi, but he likes to go by Mitch. He's 22, and he's been homeless since he was eighteen," Kevin explains as he walks into the coffee shop with Scott.

"Homeless?" Scott asks as he looks over at Kevin, stopping him. "Are you absolutely out of your mind, Kevin? What if he's sick? Or... what if he's got a disease or something?"

"He doesn't have a disease. I knew you were going to ask that question so I took him to the hospital and they cleared him. There's nothing wrong with him. You're going to think he's adorable,"

Scott rolls his eyes, and then follows Kevin over to where a table where a smaller boy is sitting. Luckily Kevin knew to clean Mitch up before bringing him to Scott so now he's wearing brand new clothes and he's no longer got dirt on his face from sleeping on the ground for many nights.

Scott sucks in a deep breath as he stares at the boy. The boy is attractive but he feels guilty about the fact that he's homeless, but... maybe he could use this for a good cause. He gets a sugar baby, and in return, saves a boy from being homeless. It sounds crazy, but it's the only way Scott can look at it.

"Mitch," Kevin greets as he shakes Mitch's hand. "This is Scott, the man I told you about."

Mitch looks up at Scott with wide eyes and nervously stands up, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you," Scott says as he shakes Mitch's hand. "Please, sit down."

Mitch sits down and looks over at Kevin nervously, unsure of what he should do or say.

"So," Kevin clears his throat. "Scott's interested in having a new sugar baby. His last one didn't work out, and here's where you come in Mitch. All you have to do is give Scott what he wants in pleasure, and Scott gives you money in return. You'll be off the streets for good."

Scott chuckles at Mitch's shocked facial expression which instantly tells Scott that he's very new at this and probably has never had a sugar daddy. "I'm guessing you've never had a sugar daddy before?"

Mitch slowly nods his head. "I..." He bites his lip. "I pleasure you?"

"Yeah, you know. Like... sex?" Scott tells him. "I'm a very busy man and my work can be stressful, so when I come home from work... you'll be there to help me relieve that stress. Pretty simple."

Kevin looks over at Mitch. "Mitch, how experienced are you when it comes to sexual things?" He asks.

Mitch looks over at Kevin and holds up his hand, showing him a 'zero' sign.

"You've got to be kidding me," Scott groans as he rests his forehead in his hand.

"That's okay," Kevin says, sending a glare towards Scott. "I'm sure Scott can teach you everything."

"Kevin, I want a sugar baby. I don't want to be a teacher to someone who doesn't know what they're doing. That's the whole point of having a sugar baby," Scott hisses.

"So, what? You just want to throw him back on the streets?" Kevin asks.

Mitch looks down at his hands as he lips begin to tremble. He wishes he had more experience but he's been homeless for a few years and he never went to school because his parents didn't care about him so he had no one to teach him about all of this stuff. Now Mitch feels embarrassed.

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