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Summary: AU // Scott does something unexpected during his birthday party, and Mitch winds up pregnant with his child, but Scott doesn't want anything to do with either of them.

Trigger Warnings: rape, very slight abuse


"Mom, why do I have to be here? Alpha Scott doesn't even like me," Mitch complains.

"Nonsense. I'm sure Alpha Scott likes you. How could he not? We're neighbors... it's the right thing to do to support him,"

"But he's never shown up to any of my birthday parties and we've invited him to every single one!"

"Mitchell, do you need me to go get your father?" Nel asks, crossing her arms against her chest.

Mitch instantly shuts up at the mention of his father, knowing exactly what would happen if his father found out that he' been complaining. His father was quite a strict Alpha so Mitch knew not to cross any lines.

"Connie! It's so wonderful to see you again!" Nel smiles as she hugs the woman who answered the door.

"You as well. Thank you for coming," Connie smiles as she let's the two Grassi's inside.

"I apologize that Mike couldn't be here to celebrate Scott's birthday. He hasn't been feeling that well and didn't want to risk getting anyone sick," Nel says as she looks over at Connie.

"That's quite alright. We appreciate the thought," Connie smiles. "Here, let me take this..."

"Oh, this is Scott's present," Nel says as she hands Connie the box. "Mitchell picked it out."

"Oh, wonderful. Thank you so much Mitchell," Connie smiles at the small Omega.

Mitch blushes and nods. "You're welcome," he says shyly, and then he follows his mother and Connie out to the backyard where everybody else is currently at as well as Alpha Scott.

"Mitchell, why don't you go say hello to Scott? And tell him happy birthday? Nel suggests.

Mitch's eyes widen with fear. "Mom, th-there's a lot of people here... please..."

"I'll watch you closely, don't worry," Nel says. "Go." She gently pushes him.

Mitch whines, and then he slowly starts walking towards where Alpha Scott is standing and talking to a couple of other Alphas which makes Mitch even more nervous. He hates being around Alphas.

"Well, well. Who's this?"

Mitch looks up and takes a step back when he sees one of the Alphas staring at him.

Scott looks over and frowns slightly when he sees Mitch standing there.

"Grassi, what are you doing here? I don't remember inviting you?" Scott asks.

"Y-Your mo-mom invited m-me," Mitch says shyly.

Scott rolls his eyes. "Of course she did. What do you want?"

Mitch flinches slightly at the harsh tone. "I-I just wanted to h-happy bi-birthday,"

Scott stares at him for a moment and then he sighs. "Yeah, thanks," he says.

"So-" the Alpha who had been staring at him earlier pushes Scott aside and walks up to Mitch, smirking. "You looking for a mate?" He goes to touch his arm but Scott pushes him back.

"Get out of here Alex and leave the poor Omega alone," Scott snaps.

Mitch looks up at Scott in surprise. He's never stood up for him before.

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