the kindest alpha

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Summary: AU // Mitch lives in a world where Alphas are powerful. Omegas are treated poorly by Alphas, and to make things even worse... Mitch is blind and has zero chance of standing up for himself.

A/N: I rewrote this because last time I mentioned that Mitch had a car... even though HE'S A BLIND OMEGA. Literally wtf *facepalm* and I also added more onto it, so there will definitely be a part two at some point.


Being an Omega in a world where Alphas were powerful and in control of everything, was difficult, especially when you were a blind Omega with having little to no money. He's an Omega living on his own, and he's very close to becoming homeless which is the last thing he wants to happen.

Mitch knows that if he becomes homeless, he won't survive. Omegas, especially male Omegas, are treated poorly by Alphas so he wouldn't be able to stand up for himself if an Alpha got a hold of him.

In the meantime, Mitch just has to deal with it and try to get by.

Mitch had been running low on food so he decided that he would go out to the grocery store. It was quite early in the day on a Monday morning so he was hoping that most Alphas would be off at work.

Mitch walks into the grocery store. He takes his cane out of his coat pocket and starts walking. There's a lot he has to get since he waited so long to go to the grocery store (due to his anxiety), but he hopes that he'll be able to get in and get out so he can get back to his home, where he feels the most safe.

Mitch first makes his way over towards the milk section, he's holding a basket in his arms. He never uses the carts at the grocery store because they make things much more difficult for him, unfortunately.

"My, what's a pretty little thing like you, doing all alone?"

Mitch looks to his left even though he can't see anything.

"Over here, sweetheart,"

Mitch turns his head to the other side. He can feel his heartbeat beating faster. He knows what's coming, but he's frozen with fear. He just wishes he could go out one time without being harrassed by an Alpha.

"God, you have such a beautiful body. I would love to destroy you in bed,"

Suddenly a hand is grabbing a hold of Mitch's waist and pulling him away from the freezers.

Mitch gasps and he quickly tries to push the Alpha away. He's definitely not the strongest Omega but that's not going to stop him from standing up for himself. "St-Stop! Stop!"

"Come on, sweetheart. Let me take you home and show you what a good time is," The Alpha smirks and tries to kiss Mitch's neck, but Mitch pushes him away, dropping his cane in the process.

"Let me go!" Mitch cries as his eyes start watering up. "Help! Help!"

"You're a feisty little thing. I like that about an Omega," The Alpha growls.


The Alpha looks over and glares when he sees another Alpha coming towards him and Mitch.

"He said no, so let go of him,"

"And who's going to make me?" The Alpha asks, his grip tightening on Mitch's waist. "He's mine."

"He's not yours. You don't own him or any other Omega. They're human beings, not objects!"

Mitch looks up, surprised to hear an Alpha talking like that. It's rare to hear an Alpha talk about Omegas like that. Most Alphas think they own Omegas even when they're not mated.

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