inexperienced (pt. 2)

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A/N: um... does this count as smut? IDK but you guys wanted a part two to this so this is what I wrote lol sorry


Scott had given Mitch another chance, and Mitch is grateful for it.

But, that doesn't mean that he's gotten any better doing sexual things with Scott. He didn't grow up learning any of this stuff so it was very weird for him to suddenly have to learn everything.

Eventually, Scott gave up on teaching Mitch all of these sexual things that he obviously is too uncomfortable with learning. Scott grew attached to Mitch's personality instead. Mitch is able to please Scott in other ways, other than sexual ways. And honestly, Scott prefers it like that.

Scott also discovered that Mitch is a Little. Mitch loves being cared for and being in his 'little space' and so Scott gets to spoil him in the way which he never thought he would love.

Unfortunately, due to his work schedule, Scott isn't able to be home with Mitch a lot, so he has Kevin watch Mitch at home when he's not home, especially now since he's constantly in his little space.

Scott is just so surprised at how quick Mitch got used to being in his little space. Scott assumes it's just because it's an easier way for him to forget about his poor childhood and his life on the streets.


Today is one of those long work days. Scott just wants to be home with Mitch.

It's during lunch time when the door opens, and in runs Mitch, obviously in his little space.

"Daddy!" Mitch exclaims as he runs over to Scott's desk excitedly.

Scott looks up and is surprised when he sees Mitch. "Hey princess. What are you doing here?"

Mitch giggles as he runs up to Scott and falls into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I miss you!"

"Oh, I missed you too my love," Scott hugs Mitch and then he pulls him up into his lap. He looks over at Kevin. "Is he getting too much at home?" He asks curiously.

"Oh no. Not at all. He's nothing but a darling to take care of. I know you've been working hard today so I thought that I would bring Mitch in to see you during lunch. Is that okay?" Kevin asks.

"Absolutely," Scott grins. "You know I'm always happy to see my princess."

"Cool. I'll leave you two alone. Text me when you need me to come get him," Kevin smiles and then he turns around and walks out of the office, shutting the door behind him.

Scott smiles and looks down at Mitch, gently kissing his forehead. "How's my princess?"

Mitch giggles. "Good!" He replies happily. "Daddy come home?"

Scott frowns. "Not yet. In a few hours I'll be home though. And when I get home, we'll have a nice dinner and then we'll lay down in bed and watch cartoons. How does that sound?" Scott asks.

Mitch gasps. "Spongey?" He asks, clapping his hands excitedly.

"We can watch whatever you want. As long as you're a good boy for Kevin," Scott tells him.

"Mitchy always be a good boy for Kevy!" Mitch grins. He snuggles his face into Scott's neck and then he looks up at Scott and bites his lip slightly. "Daddy... I have a surprise for you."

"What's that?" Scott asks, looking down at Mitch. He blinks a few times as he watches Mitch slide off the chair and down onto his knees. Scott slowly pushes himself up. "Sweetheart, what are you doing?"

"Mitchy wants to please daddy," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott. "I know how to..."

It takes Scott a second before he realizes what Mitch is talking about.

"Sweetheart, have you been learning?" Scott asks curiously.

Mitch slowly nods as his cheeks turn pink from being a little embarrassed, hoping his daddy won't be mad. But he wanted to surprise his daddy and pay him back for all of the nice stuff that he's bought him.

"Daddy, can I?" Mitch asks innocently as he rests his hands on Scott's knee.

Scott almost moans at the sight of Mitch below him. It feels like it has been ages since they've done anything sexual with each other. "Yes, princess. Make daddy feel good," He moves forward and allows Mitch to unbutton his jeans, and pulls them down. "Baby, wait a second. Go lock the door for daddy, okay?"

Mitch hurries to his feet and rushes over to the door, and locks it. "Like that, daddy?"

"Mhm. Good boy. Come back over and show daddy what you've learned," Scott says.

Mitch giggles and runs back over to Scott, sitting on his knees again. Mitch feels a little embarrassed that he had to watch a lot of porn in order to learn everything that he knows now, but he just desperately wants to be able to please his daddy and repay him for everything he's done for Mitchy.

"Mitchy, we don't have that much-" Before Scott could even finish his sentence, Mitch's tongue is suddenly around Scott's c0ck, licking all around that he could.

"It's Mitchy's turn to spoil his daddy," Mitch moaned around Scott's now hard and throbbing c0ck.

"Fuck," Scott moans in response, and reaches down to grab a hold of Mitch's hair.

Mitch can't help but smile. He's never been able to make Scott make that noise, and it feels satisfying. He opens his mouth and takes Scott down his throat, as far as it would allow him. Mitch then starts to bob his head up and down faster, a moan escaping from his lips as he reaches up to grab a hold of Scott's hips.

"Mitch," Scott moans, leaning his head back and letting out a sigh. "I can't... I'm gonna..."

Mitch swallows around Scott and glances up at him.

Scott's moans only increases as he finally comes, the grip he has on Mitch's hair tightening. "Oh, fuck," he laughs breathlessly as he looks down at Mitch in surprise.

Mitch pulls off of Scott and can't help but smile proudly, and he licks his lips, cleaning the cum off of them.

Scott pulls his pants back up and buttons them, and then he reaches down and grabs Mitch by the armpits and pulls Mitch up on his lap, wrapping his arms around him.

"Did I do good, daddy?" Mitch asks, his cheeks turning pink.

"Yes, princess. You did great. Daddy's so proud of you. You'll definitely get a reward later,"

"Can it be cuddles?" Mitch asks hopefully as he looks up at Scott.

Scott can't help but let out a laugh. "Of course, Mitchy. Whatever you want, daddy will give you,"

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