the omega (pt. 2)

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A/N: See, I told you I wasn't that cruel! Of course I was gonna do a part two :)


Scott has been visiting Mitch every single day since he took him to the hospital.

Mitch has been there for over two weeks now and is finally well enough to leave, but he's going to be homeless again if Scott doesn't claim him and take him home.

Scott has grown to care for the Omega and the thought of the Omega being homeless again hurts him. He's never felt anything like this towards someone before but for some reason, this Omega is different. He's not like all the other Omegas that he's met in his life.

"I guess I have to go back to the streets again," Mitch sighs as he slides out of the hospital bed.

Scott bites his lip as he watches him. "Or-" He quickly walks over to him and wraps an arm around his waist to help him stand up. "I have an extra bedroom at my house."

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at the Alpha. "What are you saying?"

"I don't want you to end up in the hospital again," Scott says.

"I can't promise that. Anything can happen when you're homeless," Mitch shrugs.

"No," Scott sighs. "I want you to come live with me."

"You want me to - what?" Mitch asks, his jaw dropping slightly. "I thought you hated me?"

"If I hated you that I would have left you dying in that park two weeks ago," Scott argues.

"But... I just... does this mean... you're my Alpha?" Mitch asks hopefully.

"I'm not saying that. Maybe... in the future..."

Scott can't believe the words coming out of his mouth. He's never had an Omega. Ever.

Why is this Omega suddenly changing the way he thinks and feels? They barely know each other.

"Oh," Mitch frowns slightly. "I'm a lot to handle."

Scott smirks. "Challenge accepted. Now let's go home, yeah?" He holds out his hand for Mitch.

Mitch gasps excitedly and quickly grabs onto Scott's arm.

"Now, you don't have much stuff-"

"I don't have any stuff besides this hoodie that I bought with your money," Mitch corrects him.

"Right. So we need to go shopping because you can't keep wearing that dirty thing-"

Mitch gasps. "Don't say that! I treasure this hoodie. I want to keep it because it reminds me of our first interaction with each other," he says as he tugs at his hoodie.

"That's sweet. But you still need clothes and I need to buy more food. We'll just get the essentials for now and shop for more things later," Scott says as they walk out of the room.

"Bye hospital room! Won't miss you!" Mitch exclaims as he looks back at the hospital room.

Scott raises his eyebrows as he looks down at the Omega, but he can't help but chuckle.

"Adorable," Scott says before taking Mitch to the front desk. "Kirstie."

The blonde sitting at the desk looks up and smiles when she sees Scott. "Hey. What's up?"

"I'm checking Mitch out of the hospital," Scott says.

"Oh. Is he going home with you?" Kirstie asks curiously.

"Yes," Scott replies with a nod. "He'll probably just stay with me until he's back on his feet again. I can't stand the thought of him being homeless again."

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