home (pt. 2)

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A/N: I wanted to do another Neko oneshot but didn't have any ideas, and you guys wanted a part two to this one so here you go :)


Scott didn't want to, but he had to send Mitch to live with someone else. He would have absolutely loved to take care of Mitch. There is just no way with how busy he is all the time with music and touring.

Unfortunately for Mitch, he got stuck with a bad owner. He did not like Jeremy at all.

Jeremy is very controlling with Mitch, and mean sometimes, and loud. He also likes to use Mitch for is personal sexual activities, and when they aren't doing that... Mitch is locked in his small bedroom where he's hardly fed. Scott promised Mitch that Jeremy would take care of him, but he lied. Scott's a liar.

Mitch hasn't eaten now for three days, and he's starving.

So, he decided to sit at the door and cry until Jeremy comes to feed him.

Suddenly, the door slams open, causing Mitch to fall onto the floor harshly. Mitch looks up and whimpers when he sees how angry Jeremy looks. All Mitch wants his some food, and... maybe a little attention, but definitely not the type of attention Jeremy usually gives him. He wants cuddles, and love.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Jeremy growls.

Mitch sniffs and quickly pushes himself up. "F-Food," he manages to get out.

Jeremy rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I don't have time to deal with this shit," he snaps before turning around and storming down the hallway without saying another word to Mitch.

Mitch gasps and quickly follows Jeremy down the hallway. He gets down the stairs and frowns when Jeremy walks out of the house. He hesitates before walking into the kitchen. Normally he's not allowed in the kitchen by himself but clearly Jeremy doesn't care about what he does so he can actually eat now.

Mitch decides to make a sandwich (and some chips) and take a glass of milk upstairs to his bedroom.

Mitch sits down on his bed and eats his food happily by himself, just glad that he can finally get some food in his stomach. Some people may say that three days isn't too long but for Mitch, it feels like ages. Especially when there's nothing for him to do and there's no one to talk to. He's lonely, and wishes Scott was here. He should hate Scott for sending him off to live with someone horrible, but he just misses him.

However, it's a week later when Jeremy comes home with Scott.

Scott has been on tour for three months, but he's able to take a break and come home for a couple days, and the first thing Scott wanted to do is visit Mitch. He missed him so much.

"Where is he?" Scott asks excitedly as he follows Jeremy into his house.

"Will you calm down?" Jeremy rolls his eyes.

"I can't calm down, Jer. I haven't seen him in three months. I've been so worried about him," Scott says.

"He's fine," Jeremy says as he leads him to the stairs. "He's up in his bedroom, or at least... he should be."

"Thanks," Scott says before rushing up the stairs and heading straight towards Mitch's bedroom. He reaches the room and takes a deep breath before slowly pushing the door open.

Scott looks up and smiles when he sees Mitch curled up on his bed, sleeping. He walks into the bedroom and shuts the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and sits down before reaching over and gently shaking Mitch until he wakes up. Scott smiles once Mitch finally opens his eyes.

Mitch's eyes slowly flutter open. He looks over and his eyes widen when he sees Scott.

"Hey," Scott greets softly, a smile forming on his face. "I'm sorry for waking you, but I... oh-" He blinks a few times as he's tackled into a hug, which he definitely didn't expect, considering how Mitch was when he left three months ago. Scott laughs as he falls onto the bed, and wraps his arms around Mitch.

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