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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are in a secret relationship because Mitch is the 'nerd' of the school, and Scott worries about his reputation too much. This all is about to change when one of Scott's friends dares him to date Mitch as a joke.


"Why do I have to ask him out again?" Scott asks, groaning.

"Because," Jake begins. "Actually... there's no reason. It's just fun."

"Not for me!" Scott exclaims. "MItch Grassi is literally the nerdiest boy in the school. Nobody likes him, except the teacher's which... ugh. Just, why? You know this will ruin my reputation..."

If only his friends knew the truth, that would ruin his reputation.

Scott's friends knew that he's gay. They've known for quite awhile. But if they ever found out that he's actually dating Mitch Grassi, they would kick him off the football team and make his life a living hell.

It hurts Scott saying these things about Mitch but he has to in order to protect his reputation.

"Hey, at least I chose a guy," Jake smirks. "Could have chosen that Maldonado girl."

"Hey, she's not bad. She's actually hot but she has a boyfriend," Scott says.

"Since when?" Jake asks as he sits up. "What the hell?"

Scott laughs. "She started dating Lewis a couple weeks ago. He's totally in love with her."

"They're both nerds. Match made in heaven," Jake rolls his eyes.

"Just because they're in choir doesn't mean they're nerds," Scott sighs and shakes his head.

"Don't tell me you're a nerd too?" Jake asks.

"I like music, that's all. I'm not even in choir," Scott says. "Okay... I'll ask him out."

"Sweet!" Jake laughs. "You have until winter break to get him to say I love you to you,"

"Winter break is a month away?" Scott asks, frowning. He doesn't understand why Jake wants him to do this dare so badly. It just came out of nowhere. "Ugh. What do I get if you win?"

"Since a lot is on the line here... I'll give you a hundred bucks," Jake says.

"How generous of you," Scott rolls his eyes. "I thought you were supposed to be my friend? Why are you making me ask out someone that everybody at school hates?"

"I never said you had to do the dare," Jake says.

"But, it's a dare? I have to do it," Scott frowns. "Besides... if I don't you'll mock me for it."

"Ah, you know me so well," Jake grins.


Scott felt awful as he walks to Mitch's house.

How is he going to explain to Mitch that he has to ask him out for a dare? Mitch will be so mad, of course, Scott wouldn't blame him because this whole situation is messed up.

"Scotty!" Mitch sits up in his bed as soon as he sees Scott walk into his room.

"Hi sweetheart," Scott says as he walks over to the bed and kisses him. "How was school?"

"Same as usual," Mitch replies with a shrug. "Was practice okay?"

"Yeah, we feel really good about this weekend's game," Scott smiles.

"Well, yeah. They have you on the team," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott.

"You're sweet," Scott says as he sits next to Mitch on the bed.

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