breaks ups and prom

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Summary: AU // Scott breaks up with Mitch out of the blue just before prom. Mitch goes to prom with another boy which makes Scott jealous, and Scott realizes he made a mistake.


"Scott broke up with me," Mitch announces to his best friend with tears in his eyes.

"No he did not," Kirstie says as she looks up at Mitch with wide eyes.

"H-He broke up with me l-last night," Mitch sniffs. "Please, c-can I have a hug?"

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Mitchy," Kirstie instantly wraps her arms around Mitch and hugs her tightly. "What are you doing at school? I would have stayed home."

"I can't stay home. W-We have that t-test," Mitch tells her.

"I'm sorry. I can't believe he would do something like this. I mean, did he say why?" Kirstie asks as she pulls away from the hug. She pulls out some tissues from out of her bag and hands them to Mitch.

"I-I don't know... He-He just said we should see other p-people," Mitch cries as tears pour out of his eyes. "I don't want to see other people. I-I want to see my Scotty. Why did he have to break up with me?"

"Oh no. What are you going to do about prom?" Kirstie asks.

"I don't know!" Mitch yells, throwing his arms up with frustration. "I fucking hate Scott..."

"Okay, forget all of my plans that I had this weekend. This weekend you're coming over and we're going to burn all the pictures you ever took with Scott and I don't care what you say. Then we're going to eat all the junk food we want and watch movies," Kirstie says.

"You're the best," Mitch sniffs and blows his nose. He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees that Scott is just now pulling into the parking lot. "Oh, shit. Scott's here! I don't want to see him."

"What?" Kirstie's head snaps towards the direction where Scott is. "I'm going to kill him!" She starts walking towards him but Mitch quickly grabs her hand and drags her into the school. "Mitch!"

"No. No killing of any kind. I just don't want to see him and I need your backup," Mitch says. "Just... please keep him away from me. I mean, I don't think he'll talk to me but just in case."

Kirstie sighs. "Fine but I really want to hurt that little bitch for hurting my best friend," she says.

Mitch chuckles. "I appreciate that but..." He sighs. "I don't want to forget but I have no choice."

"I know. Breakups are hard," Kirstie frowns. "How about we go to class?"

"I don't want to go to class? Maybe I should just go home," Mitch pouts.

"No, come on. You can't show that to Scott. You have to be strong. You don't need no man, damnit. You're an independant woman," Kirstie crosses her arms against her chest and huffs.

Mitch giggles at Kirstie's speech. "Well... I guess you're right. Fuck. I have first period with him,"

"That's okay. You can sit by me in choir," Kirstie says. "Let's go before we're late."


The first week without Scott had been hard for Mitch. He spent the last year being attached to Scott's side and Scott always protected him from the bullied. Now, Mitch had no one to protect him.

Sure, Kirstie is sassy and fierce but there's no way she can stop someone from bullying Mitch like Scott.

And now prom is tonight. But that's okay, because Mitch already found a date to the prom. He wasn't going to not go because Scott broke up with him. He was going to have fun with his friends and new date.

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