secret santa

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Summary: AU // Mitch is an Omega. Scott is Alpha. But, Mitch is loud and obnoxious. Scott is shy and quiet. They're opposites of what they are supposed to be. With Christmas thrown in there.

A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone!! :D


"Kit!" Mitch squeals excitedly as he runs up to his best friend, Kirstie.

It's lunchtime, and Mitch has been dying to meet up with his best friend again ever since school started. They don't have any classes together except last period so they don't get much time to talk. Of course, they constantly text each other but it's not the same. Kirstie and Mitch love to fangirl together.

"You'll never guess who I talked to last period!" Mitch jumps excitedly. "Avriel Kaplan!"

Kirstie's eyes widen. "No way! He's so hot. How did you talk to him?" She asks.

"He asked me if he could borrow a pencil," Mitch tells her, and then giggles. "And I gave him mine! So, we're like... totally best friends now. I'm sure he'll ask for my number next time we talk."

"This is so exciting!" Kirstie gasps. "It's every girls dream- and boys, dream, to talk to him. Avriel is like... the most popular Alpha in school. I mean, we're pretty popular... but he's even more popular."

"I know. And I-" Mitch stops as soon as he spots an unfamiliar blonde boy walk into the cafeteria. He's never seen the boy before. He looks like an Omega, which would be exciting for Mitch because there's only four other male Omegas in this school. The majority of the Omegas are females. "Who's that cutie?"

Kirstie raises her eyebrows and looks over to where Mitch is looking. "Oh, that's the new kid," she says.

"We have a new kid? What's his name? I haven't seen him before," Mitch says.

"I don't think he's in any of your classes but his name is Scott Hoying, and he's an Alpha-" Kirstie gasps when Mitch spits out the drink he just had in his mouth. "Ew! That's so gross!"

"He's an Alpha? He looks like an Omega!" Mitch's eyes widen.

"That's rude Mitch. You shouldn't judge people based on their appearance. I mean, you don't like it when people mistake you for a girl, right?" Kirstie asks.

Mitch instantly cringes. "I can't believe you said that," he pouts.

Kirstie shrugs. "I'm just being honest. But, yeah... he's an Alpha. He hasn't really talked much today though so I'm just guessing he's super shy, which isn't normal for an Alpha," she says.

"Whatever. I can't believe he's an Alpha, although... he does have those big muscles," Mitch says. "Do you think I'll be able to talk to him?" He looks over at Kirstie. "More importantly, do you think he's gay?"

"Mitch," Kirstie laughs. "I don't know if he's gay or not. I don't know anything about him. This is only like the second time i've seen him today. All I know is that he's shy and he's an Alpha. I mean, there's no harm in trying to talk to him but I really think you'll have to be careful with him. No offense or anything Mitch, but. you're very loud sometimes and that might scare him off."

Mitch pouts. "I can't help that I'm loud. I just have a lot of energy," he says. "I'm an Omega after all."

"I'm an Omega too," Kirstie says. "You don't see me bouncing off the walls."

"Oh, please!" Mitch laughs. "You have just the same amount of energy as me, so don't even try it."

"That's because I spend too much time with you," Kirstie sticks her tongue out at Mitch.

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