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Summary: AU // Scott has a rough life at home, and Mitch comforts him when he finally breaks down.

Trigger Warnings: self-harm


"I hate you!" Scott screams at his parents before rushing out of the house. He runs over to his car and gets in it as quickly as he possibly can. He pulls out his cell phone and calls his best friend, ignoring the tears are pouring out of his eyes right now. He'll deal with those as soon as he's away from his "home".

"Hey, babe,"

"Hey," Scott sniffs a few times. "C-Can I come over?"

"Of course you can, Scott. What happened? Are you crying?" Mitch asks.

"No," Scott lies. "I'm coming over. See you in 10."

"I'll be waiting, okay? I'm going to hug you so hard the second I see you," Mitch says.

"Okay," Scott says before hanging up on Mitch. He wipes away his tears with the sleeve of his shirt and glances at the house in front of him one last time before driving away.

It takes him ten minutes before he arrives at Mitch Grassi's house, the love of his life. Of course, Mitch doesn't know that. They're just "best friends". Scott's not going to let his feelings ruin their friendship.

Scott sees Mitch waiting on the porch for him. Scott takes a deep breath before getting out of the car, and he doesn't have the chance to say anything to him before Mitch runs over and hugs him tightly.

"Oh," Scott blinks a few times, but happily hugs him back.

Mitch's hugs makes everything better.

Well, to Scott... everything about Mitch makes everything better. Mitch always knew how to cheer him up.

"Your dad?" Mitch asks quietly as he looks up at Scott, still hugging him.

"Um, c-can we talk about this inside, please?" Scott asks, nervously looking around.

"Yeah, come on, let's go..." Mitch says. He grabs Scott's hand and leads the way inside. They say a quick hello to Mitch's mom before they finally go up to Mitch's bedroom.

"Your parents are nice," Scott says quietly once the door is shut.

Mitch turns and looks at Scott. "I'm sorry, baby. What happened this time?"

Scott flinches slightly at the pet name. "Don't call me that, please," he says.

"I always call you that? You call me that all the time?" Mitch says, tilting his head slightly. Scott knows that it's true. He and Mitch have an odd friendship. They always call each other 'babe' or 'baby'... even though they aren't dating each other. Usually Scott didn't mind it. He loves it actually. But not today.

"Well don't anymore," Scott snaps harshly. "We're not dating so we shouldn't go each other that."

"Fine," Mitch mumbles, a little offended by Scott's harsh tone. "Is that what your dad said?"

"My dad said a lot of things," Scott mumbles as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"Yeah? Are you going to tell me what he said?" Mitch asks as he sits down on his bed.

"We'd be here a long time," Scott says sadly.

"Come sit on the bed, ba- I mean Scott," Mitch says, patting the spot on the bed next time. "Talk to me."

Scott sighs before walking over to the bed and sitting down next to Mitch. He wraps his arms around Mitch and hugs him tightly. "Why do they hate me so much?" He asks quietly.

"They don't hate you, love. They just... expect a lot from you," Mitch says softly. "Which isn't right."

"Th-They want me to be perfect, and I... I can't! No matter what I do, I just keep disappointing them,"

"Nobody's perfect, Scotty, and your parents need to understand that soon. You already do so much and you're only sixteen years old. You have a job, you get good grades and you play sports," Mitch says. "And in my eyes... I think you're amazing for doing all of that."

Scott lets go of Mitch and sits up. He takes a deep breath and then he buries his face in his arms and grabs a hold of his hair, letting tears escape from his eyes.

Mitch immediately sits up and grabs Scott's hands. "Scotty, no. Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself,"

Scott quickly wipes away his tears. "I-I should go,"

"What? No! You just got here," Mitch says, shaking his head. "Stay."

"I have to go," Scott says as he starts to stand up, but Mitch pulls on his arm, stopping him from leaving.

Mitch looks down at Scott's wrist and gasps when he sese a couple of red lines on Scott's wrist. "Scott?"

Scott looks over and quickly tries to pull his arm away when he sees what Mitch is looking at. "Stop-"

"Scott," Mitch warns, pulling him back down on the bed. "I can't believe you did this!"

"I know!" Scott yells as he looks at Mitch with tears pouring out of his eyes. "I know... you're disappointed in me. I know I'm a fuck up. You don't have to say anything because I already know!"

Mitch's eyes widen as he listens to Scott's little rant. "N-No. No, Scotty," he says. He wraps his arms around Scott and pulls him into a hug, letting Scott cry into his arms.

Scott cries as Mitch holds onto him, while Mitch comforts him. He just comforts him.

Awhile later, Mitch's mom comes knocking on the door. She opens the door and walks in.

"Is everything alright? I heard yelling earlier," she says, frowning when she sees Scott, passed out in Mitch's arms. "Is he okay? He looks very..."

"Yes, mom," Mitch says quietly, cutting her off. "Scott is going to be staying with us from now on."

"Pardon me?" Nel asks, blinking a few times. "May I ask... why?"

"I'm not letting him go back to that hell hole he calls home," Mitch snaps. "He's staying here... with me, where he can be happy. Do you see this? He cried himself to sleep in my arms. Because of his parents."

"Mitch, sweetheart... he's only sixteen-" Nel begins.

"Mom, please. He's hurting himself. He's not safe there. Please?" Mitch begs.

Nel sighs. "I'll talk to your father about it and sees what he says," she says.

"Thank you," Mitch sighs in relief. "Dad loves Scott. I know he'll say yes."

"We'll see. Dinner will be ready in 20. So, I'm assuming Scott will be joining us?" Nel asks.

"If that's alright with you, then yes... he will be," Mitch nods.

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll call when dinner is ready," Nel says before walking out of the kitchen.

Mitch looks down at Scott and smiles at the sleeping boy in his arms. He really doesn't want to wake him, but he knows that he should so Scott can eat dinner with them.

"Scotty?" Mitch calls softly, gently running his fingers through the blonde hair.

Scott stirs slightly and then opens his eyes. He blinks a few times before looking up at Mitch.

"Are you hungry?" Mitch asks, smiling a little. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"Mhm," Scott mumbles, scooting closer to Mitch and hugging him.

Mitch chuckles. "You gotta eat, babe. When's the last time you ate, for real?"

"Dunno," Scott yawns. "Not hungry. Cuddles?"

"I'll cuddle with you... if only you eat," Mitch says, gently nudging Scott.

Scott grunts and then he pushes himself up. He rubs his eyes tiredly.

"We have a lot to talk about," Mitch says, looking over at Scott.

"No," Scott whines. "I'm too tired to talk."

"It's okay, we'll talk later..." Mitch says, hoping he'll be able to help his best friend.

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