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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch live in an orphanage which is run by Miss Kirstie. Scott is Mitch's best friend, and is very protective of Mitch. As the two grow up, they become worried that they might end up being homeless. However, things quickly turn around, in a good way.


Kirstie smiles as she watches the children run around the yard, playing tag.

"Children, come inside!" She chuckles when she hears a chorus of groans. "Come on. Time to come in."

The four children make their way into the house, giggling.

"Tag!" Scott yells as he playfully punches Mitch on the arm, earning a cry from the smaller boy.

"Scott! You know better than to hit Mitch like that!" Kirstie warns as she shuts the door.

"I was just playin' around," Scott pouts and then he crosses his arms against his chest. "It's not my fault that he's a baby." He looks over at Mitch and glares at him, but his face softens up the second he sees the tears in Mitch's eyes. He gasps and pulls Mitch into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Mitchy!"

Avi raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Kevin. "They're weird,"

"Yeah. Do you want to go watch a movie before we have to go to bed?" Kevin asks excitedly.

"Yeah! Beat you there!" Avi shouts before running up the stairs.

"Mitch, honey. You have dirt all over your face. You need to take a bath now," Kirstie says to the youngest, Mitch. "Go to the bathroom and I'll go get your jammies, okay?"

"C-Can Scotty come, t-too?" Mitchy asks, grabbing Scott's hand.

Kirstie looks over at Scott and examines his face for a moment before sighing in defeat. "I guess so,"

Scott grins and then he grabs Mitch and leads the way to the bathroom.

Mitch hates taking baths, mostly because he doesn't like having to be naked around other people. He feels insecure. He's only eight years old but he still feels this way. He's small and fragile unlike the other children. They're big and strong. Maybe he should eat more of his fruits and veggies.

"What toys do you wanna play with?" Scott asks as he pulls out the bath toys basket. "We have dinos, or we have Spongebob characters. I think we should go with the dinos..."

Mitch takes his head and points at Spongebob, earning an eye roll from Scott.

"Spongebob is boring," Scott mumbles as he pulls out the toys.

Mitch gasps and whacks Scott on the arm. He grabs Spongebob and Patrick from Scott and hugs them.

"Why aren't you talking? It's just me. No one else is here," Scott says.

Mitch looks up at Scott and smiles sadly. He's selectively mute. Mitch can talk, but he's very scared to. Usually he only talks when he's alone with Scott or Miss Kirstie. He's met quite a lot of children that have been mean to him, always telling him to shut up and calling him mean names. So he doesn't talk.

Scott, being Mitch's best friend, always tries to encourage him though. He can almost get him to talk around Avi and Kevin, who are the other children that Kirstie is fostering.

"Okay boys... here's your jammies," Kirstie says as she walks into the bathroom. "Spongebob for you-" She smiles as she hands Mitch his pajamas. "Superman for Scotty."

Scott squeals excitedly as he takes the pajamas from Kirstie. "Thank you, Miss Kirstie!"

"You're welcome," she ruffles his hair and then she walks over to the tub and turns it on.

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