haunted hotel

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Summary: In which Mitch thinks that their hotel is haunted and Scott doesn't quite believe him, but comforts him anyways.


Mitch sighed quietly as he lay in his bed.

It was midnight now, and for some reason he just couldn't sleep. Maybe it was the jetlag. Yet somehow, his boyfriend was fast asleep in the bed next to him. Mitch always seemed to be the one who stayed up later than he should, but the internet was distracting and he couldn't help himself.

Mitch looked up from his laptop when he thought that he heard footsteps. It was dark but the tv was on, and he definitely would have heard the door open. The room wasn't that big.

"Stupid jetlag," Mitch mumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes quietly.

A few moments later, Mitch thought that he heard a man's voice. He looked over and saw that Scott was still fast asleep, and now he was starting to get a little scared. He wished that Scott was awake, because he really didn't want to have to wake him up over such a silly thing. They had a show tomorrow and so they needed the rest.

Mitch sat his laptop down beside him and sat up from the comfortable position he'd been in. He nervously crawled to the end of his bed and looked down the hallway to see if there was actually anybody there, but he didn't see anyone or hear anything else in that moment.

"Fuck it," Mitch muttered before sliding off the bed and walking over to Scott's bed. Normally they would sleep in the same bed, but Scott passed out as soon as they'd gotten to their hotel room, and Mitch really didn't want to disturb him so he'd gotten onto the other bed. "Scott." Mitch whispered as he crawled onto the bed. He rolled his eyes when Scott didn't wake up, so he shook him a few times.

Scott's eyes slowly fluttered open, and he rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Hm?" He looked up at Mitch and frowned slightly when he saw the look on Mitch's face. "What's wrong?"

"I keep hearing things," Mitch whispered. "And I'm scared."

"It's probably just your imagination," Scott groaned as he leaned his head back onto the pillow.

"No, I'm being serious. I heard footsteps... and voices!" Mitch exclaimed.

"Mitch, you woke me up at-" Scott quickly looked over at the clock and groaned when he saw that it was past midnight. "Midnight- because you think there are ghosts in our room?" He asked.

"Yes, don't laugh, I'm being serious. Scott, please," Mitch begged.

Scott looked up at Mitch again and sighed softly. "Okay then, what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to be alone anymore," Mitch mumbled.

Scott chuckled. "Come here then," he said, opening his arms for Mitch.

Mitch smiled and immediately crawled over to Scott and curled up next to him.

"Better?" Scott asked, wrapping his arms around Mitch and pulling him close to his chest.

"Mhm," Mitch closed his eyes as he rested his head on Scott's chest.

As soon as Mitch closed his eyes, he fell asleep. Scott always made him feel protected and safe.

And the next morning, Mitch woke up but Scott wasn't there.

Mitch quickly sat up and looked around, starting to panic a little.


Mitch immediately looked over and sighed in relief when he saw Scott, who had just walked out of the bathroom, and he'd obviously taken a shower as his hair was wet and he didn't have a shirt on either.

"Don't scare me like that," Mitch said, rolling his eyes.

Scott raised his eyebrows. "Did you think I'd gone somewhere?" He chuckled.

"Don't laugh. I'm still freaked out about last night," Mitch sighed.

"I'm sure it was nothing, sweetheart," Scott said as he walked over to the bed.

"It wasn't nothing... I heard it with my own ears," Mitch mumbled. "What time is it?"

"Past 10. We have to leave in two hours," Scott said.

"Thank God, can't wait to get out of this hotel,"

"Mitch," Scott laughed. "It's fine, you have nothing to worry about."

Mitch looked over at Scott. "You don't think there's a possibility this hotel is haunted?" He asked.

"I never said that... come on," Scott said as he leaned against the bed.

"Ugh, you're annoying... and I need coffee... stat," Mitch said.

"Alright-" Scott chuckled. "Let's go to Starbucks then... it's only five minutes away."

"Fine," Mitch yawned, and then he squealed when Scott tickled him. "Don't you dare!" He whined.

Scott laughed. "Get ready so we can leave,"

Mitch rolled his eyes though he couldn't help but smile.

Today was going to be an interesting day, that much Mitch knew.

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