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Summary: AU // It's been four years since the apocalypse has started, and it's been four years since Scott has seen his boyfriend, or any of his friends and families. He knows most of them are dead, so he's given up hope on seeing any of them ever again.

Until one day... when he sees a familiar face or two.

A/N: I thought about making this into a full story but I don't know where I would go so maybe I'll just do a couple parts here.

Also, thank you so much vote 2k reads! I hope you guys are enjoying them :)


Scott sighs as he stands in one of the isles of the abandoned grocery store. He's managed to find one of the old grocery stores from the town that hasn't been completely wrecked by other humans. Of course, Scott isn't very hopeful about finding anything for him to take. It's been four years since the apocalypse started so the chance of finding any good food was very slim.

It's his birthday today, but Scott hasn't celebrated his birthday in over four years, for obvious reasons, because he felt that there wasn't any reason to celebrate his birthday anymore.

"There has to be something," Scott mumbles as he scans over the item that he's holding in his hands. He sighs in defeat and sets the bag of chips down, but he stops the second he hears voices coming from outside the store. It's been quite a few months since he's heard other voices, but they could be dangerous, so Scott needs to act before they see him first. He quickly but quietly walks to the back of the store and hides behind the shelf.

"There's not going to be anything here," a female voice speaks.

"You don't know. Let's just look around," a male voice says. "Just a quick stop."

"It better be a quick stop," the female voice mumbles.

Scott closes his eyes as he stands quietly, not making a single noise.

He waits a moment before he starts to move, but he regrets the moment he does.


Scott instantly pulls his gun out and turns, pointing it at the person who spoke.

"Whoa, put the gun down-" The female speaks as she throws her arms up.

"Kirst, who are you talking to?" The male asks.

"We've got company, Mitch," Kirstie says, not moving a muscle.

"What are you-" The male walks out of the isle and looks over towards Scott and freezes.

"Take a step closer and I swear I'll shoot you both," Scott warns.

"Look, dude, we're not here for any trouble," The female says, her hands still up.

Scott looks over at the male, who's staring at him as if he has twelve heads.

"We'll leave, if that's what you want," The female says.

"We're not going anywhere," The male speaks, staring at Scott still.

"Mitch," she hisses. "He'll fucking shoot our brains out."

The male takes a deep breath and takes a few step forwards.

Scott immediately points the gun towards Mitch. "Don't," he warns.

The male, "Mitch", chuckles. "You aren't really going to shoot me, are you, birthday boy?"

Scott blinks a few times but he still doesn't lower his gun. "Wh-Who are you?"

"Mitch, what are you doing?"

"Shut up," Mitch warns before walking closer to Scott. He gets close enough to where he can almost touch Scott. "I know it's been awhile, but surely you couldn't have forgotten about your best friend?" He gently reaches up and grabs Scott's arm, and lowers it.

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