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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch used to be best friends when they were growing up, but they entered high school and Scott decided that he wanted to be popular. This left Mitch alone, and without a best friend. But, Mitch is determined to get his Scott back.

Trigger Warning: homophobic slurs

A/N: hey, wow! this book hit 180k views??? that is mind blowing, thank you so much!!


Mitch sighs sadly as he watches his ex-best friend hanging out with his new friends.

It's been five years and Mitch still isn't over the fact that Scott left him just to become popular. He's even on the football team now which instantly makes him popular. All the girls love him and all the boys hang out with him. He's always invited to all the cool parties and Mitch is sure that Scott does drugs.

Well, Mitch thinks so. He knows Scott at leasts smokes cigarettes which Mitch finds disgusting.

If only these people really knew who Scott was. Mitch could spill the tea if he wanted to. But, he won't, because he's not that type of person and he still cares about Scott. Despite the fact that Scott practically bullies him now. He calls him names and shoves him around. He's never done anything terrible but he does just enough to where all his little friends can see him picking on Mitch. And Mitch hates it.

And now, Mitch is at the bottom of the totem pole. Well, not really. He has a few friends here and there and he's in a bunch of extra curriculars which helps him out. He's just not Scott.

"Hey Scott, the little faggot is staring at you,"

Mitch blinks a few times and sits up straight when he locks eyes with Scott.

Scott glares at Mitch and walks over to him without hesitation. "What do you think you're doing?"

Mitch's eyes widen in fear at Scott's cold tone. "I-I-I-"

"I thought I told you to quit staring at me, you fucking creep," Scott snaps. "Get over yourself, Grassi. If I catch you staring at me one more time then I will make sure to embarrass you in front of all my friends," Scott glances over for a quick second and smirks. "Like this-" He grabs Mitch's half empty cup of Pepsi and pours it all over his head before tossing it aside.

Mitch gasps and stands up, looking up at Scott as tears form in his eyes.

Scott stares at him for a moment before turning and walking back over to his friends, who were laughing and cheering for him for what he just did to Mitch.

"Oh dear-"

Mitch looks over and sees one of his friends, Kirstie, running over to help him.

"Come on. Just ignore them, sweetheart," Kirstie whispers as people start laughing. She grabs Mitch and quickly takes him out of the cafeteria. "You poor thing. It's horrible the way Scott treats you."

Mitch bursts into tears the second he and Kirstie walk into the bathroom.

Kirstie frowns and shakes her head. "No, no, no. Don't cry. It's going to be okay. Let me clean you help. Come here, and sit down on the counter," she says, leading Mitch over to the sinks.

Mitch pushes himself up onto the counter and wipes away his tears.

"You can't let them see you cry like this," Kirstie says softly. "You have to be strong."

"I-I'm not strong though!" Mitch cries, letting out a sob. "If... If I was... I'd be able to stand up for myself!"

"Shh. Let me clean you up. Wait, I think I have a shirt that might fit you that you can wear-"

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