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A/N: up in the clouds part three is coming, don't you worry... I just haven't written it yet lol

Trigger Warnings: negative thoughts and eating disorder I guess? throwing up


Scott groans loudly as he covers his ears with his pillow. Of course Mitch had to bring another man home and of course they were having sex in his bedroom which is pretty close to Scott's.

It seemed like this was a reoccurring thing that happened almost every other night.

Mitch would go out and get drunk with his friends, and brings home another man.

Scott knows why he does it, and he hates it. Mitch only wants to make him jealous. They're no longer together even though it's Mitch's fault. Mitch is the one who called things off because "he fell out of love" with Scott. How does that happen? Things were going so well. At least, that's what Scott thought.

They were together for over four years and then Mitch had just ended it all. It's been months and Scott still isn't over the breakup, maybe it's because of Mitch sleeping with every man he lays his eyes on.

Scott sits up and grabs his headphones, and turns on a random song to try and drown the noises out. He quickly pulls out his phone and sends a text to Kirstie. Kirstie has been his life saver throughout this whole breakup. She was there for him when Scott got drunk and cried himself to sleep. She took care of him and made him feel loved. She always made sure he ate and stayed dehydrated.

To KitKat:

From Scotty:

he's doing it again :( what do I do?

From KitKat:

To Scotty:

I'm sorry Scott :( do you wanna come over? Jeremy and I are on our way home. We can pick you up

To KitKat:

From Scotty:

Would that be okay? I can't stand hearing him like that :(

From KitKat:

To Scotty:

Ofc. I'm on my way over right now! Get whatever you need ready :)

Scott smiles and instantly jumps up to grab a small bag. He'll most likely be spending the night at Kirstin's, and maybe if he's lucky he'll get to stay a few days there. He likes staying at Kirstin's. She has two huskies and Scott loves dogs. He wants one of his own so badly but Mitch always tells him no.

After Scott gets his bag ready, he goes to the living room to wait for Kirstie.

However, it's a few minutes later when he hears footsteps. He instantly looks up and his eyes widen when he sees Mitch. He's got a regular white t-shirt on and sweatpants that definitely don't belong to him. But it doesn't matter because Scott already knows what he was just doing.

"Oh, Scott... what are you doing?" Mitch asks, as if nothing has just happened.

"Nothing," Scott mumbles as he looks away from Mitch.

"You have a bag packed. Are you going somewhere?" Mitch asks.

Scott reaches over and grabs his bag, and then stands up. He looks over at Mitch and glares at him. "Yeah, why do you care?" He asks angrily before storming out of the living room.

"Scott?" Mitch blinks a few times and turns around, quickly following him. "Are you mad or something?"

"Yes!" Scott yells as he turns and looks at Mitch. "I literally have to leave my own house because you keep bringing home men and having sex with them when I'm right next door. Do you even think about that?"

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