the hunger games

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A/N: okay... so I know it's been ages since the hunger games hype but after being obsessed with the ptx hunger games, I decided that I wanted to write a scomiche hg fic.

sorry if anything is inaccurate, but it's fanfiction so, oh well lmao.

and this is the hunger games, so obviously there is going to be triggering stuff like death!!


Mitch's heart is pounding against his chest as he looks around him, seeing all the other tributes. He can't really tell who's who because they're all so far away but all he really wants is to see his boyfriend, Scott, one last time before things get hectic. They didn't get a proper goodbye before they were sent to the arena.

This is actually happening. Mitch is here, in the hunger games. Fighting for his life, against his boyfriend.

It's a cruel world they lived in, and Mitch would honestly rather be dead than have to live through this but he promised Scott that he would do everything he could to stay alive so they can be together again. They made a plan to meet up somewhere in the middle but things don't always go to plan. They also both agreed not to run to the cornucopia, that would be too dangerous and they probably wouldn't make it out alive.

Mitch gasps as soon as the countdown stops and the announces that the games has officially started.

Suddenly, everybody is running and most tributes are running towards the cornucopia but a few of the tributes have decided to run into the forest, which is what Mitch does as well.

Mitch is breathing heavily as he runs as fast as his feet will possibly take him. He needs to find somewhere to hide until things finally settle down and a few tributes have fallen, if they settle down, and then he can go and try to find Scott. He wants to be high up in the trees so he can watch down below him and look for any signs of Scott. Mitch isn't sure if this plan will work, but it's the only plan he's got.

Mitch let's out a cry when he suddenly trips over his own two feet and falls down to the ground, quickly tumbling down a small hill. He looks up at the sky with wide eyes, shocking himself. Mitch gasps when he hears footsteps near by. He jumps up and starts running again. He doesn't know where he's going but all he knows is that he needs to get as far away from the middle of the arena as he can.

Mitch manages to find a tree high enough where no other tributes can see him but he can see them.

"Where are you, Scott?" Mitch whispers as he looks around. "Please be safe."

Mitch is secretly hoping that sponsors will help keep Scott alive until they can meet up again. The Capitol absolutely adores he and Scott. There would be riots if either of the two of them got killed.

But, of course, that is also why they are the biggest targets of the other tributes which terrifies him.

Scott and Mitch were too busy treasuring their lasts days with each other that they didn't really spend any time making allies with the other tributes. They were instead, each other's only allies in the games.

Mitch doesn't know how long he stayed up in the trees for. It's been days. Ten tributes had fallen already, and Mitch is just thankful that Scott wasn't one of those tributes.

Mitch is hungry and thirsty and he's about to die of exhaustion, literally.

It's one morning when Mitch hears heavy footsteps from below him.

Mitch groans as he pushes himself up. He looks down and gasps excitedly when he sees Scott walking.

"Scott!" Mitch yells, before coughing a few times. He hadn't used his voice in awhile. "Scotty!"

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