fame (pt. 2)

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Of course, the instagram post blew up after Mitch posted, when people started realizing that it was Scott. Mitch or Scott didn't pay attention to it though because Scott isn't really on social media anymore. Mitch loves that because before Scott would always be on his phone but now they can spend quality couple time together.

The couple spend about a week in Florida before they made their way back home. They bought a new house while they were in Florida. They're in a gated community so Scott would be protected from the paparazzi and other people who might try to get his attention.

"Goodbye apartment, thanks for the amazing memories," Scott says as he stands by the door.

"I know that you said that you didn't want to buy a house just because you have money to blow but if we wanna start a family we're gonna need room," Mitch smiles. "I can't wait to watch Wyatt run around. He's gonna have so much more room"

"I know," Scott smiles and kisses Mitch. "Gosh, it feels weird without having my scruff."

"I kinda liked it. You have a baby face now," Mitch giggles as he gently grabs Scott's chin.

Scott chuckles and then shakes his head. "Come on, you goof," he says. He grabs Mitch's hand and leads the way outside. He looks up and gasps as soon as he sees flashing lights. It's been a long time since he's dealt with this. He definitely didn't miss the paparazzi at all. That's for sure.

"Get the fuck out of our way!" Mitch yells angrily as he pulls Scott through the paparazzi.

They immediately start yelling and throwing questions at Scott. Scott starts having a panic attack. He hasn't had one of them in quite awhile and he definitely didn't mess them.

"Come on," Mitch says as he helps Scott into their car. He shuts the door and looks back at the paparazzi. "This is exactly why Scott left in the first place because you fuckers won't leave him alone! Let him live! He just wants to have a normal life and make music! You ruined his life so I hope you're happy!" Mitch turns around and also gets in the car. He honks the horn to get the paparazzi out of the way.

Mitch reaches over and grabs Scott's hand tightly and then starts driving as fast as he can. "It's okay, Scotty. We'll be out of here soon. You'll be safe from those assholes," he says.

The drive to the new house is only about an hour away luckily. Scott fell asleep on the way there so thankfully his panic attack didn't get too bad which Mitch is grateful for because he's had panic attacks before knows how bad they can get.

"Scotty, wake up," Mitch says once he's parked in their driveway.

Scott blinks a few times as he lifts his head up. He looks around and then looks over at Mitch.

"Welcome home," Mitch smiles and then reaches over to kiss Scott.

"Is the paparazzi gone?" Scott asks as he rubs his eyes tiredly.

Mitch chuckles, though he feels bad that Scott already has to worry about the paparazzi again. "Yes, sweetheart. They're gone. I would be very impressed if they managed to follow us here," he says.

Scott yawns before sitting up. He looks up and smiles when he sees their new, very big, house.

"Why did I wait so long to buy a house like this?" Scott asks.

"Because you didn't want the fame to get to your head and that's what I loved about you," Mitch smiles.

Scott looks over at Mitch and smiles back at him. He reaches over and kisses him. "I love you,"

"I love you too, and I can't wait to start our new life here together," Mitch sighs happily.

"Away from the paparazzi," Scott rolls his eyes.

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