school dance

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Summary: AU // Scott has a crush on Mitch and wants to take him to the school dance.


"What if he says no?" Scott asks, nervously glancing over at the small boy sitting under a tree.

"There's no way he's going to say no. You're Scott Hoying!" Kirstie exclaims.

Scott groans. "Don't say that. You know I hate that," he whines.

"But it's true. You are Scott Hoying. Everybody knows who you are whether you like it or not. He obviously knows who you are and there's no way he's going to reject you," Kirstie says.

"He may know who I am but that doesn't mean he knows me because of good things," Scott mumbles.

"Just go ask him!" Kirstie yells before pushing Scott towards Mitch, the boy Scott's had a crush on since they met each other in theater. They've only talked a few times but Scott adores the boy. Mitch is small and he gets picked on a lot because of his voice and some speculate that he's gay which is a plus for Scott considering he's also gay but not many people know that he is.

Scott's own family doesn't know, but they're about to find out if Mitch says yes. Scott doesn't want to go with anyone but Mitch to the school dance. There's no one else he's interested in.

Scott hesitates as he walks closer and closer the boy sitting under the tree. They were still at school, school has just ended but Scott knows Mitch likes to stay after and read. Which, he finds a little weird.

"E-Excuse me?" Scott asks nervously once he finally reaches Mitch.

Mitch looks up from his book and shuts it quickly when he sees that it's none other than Scott Hoying.

"I-I'm sorry for bothering but I-I was wondering if I could ask you something," Scott blushes.

Mitch nods, though he stays silent which makes Scott even more nervous.

Scott takes a deep breath. "Well, I-I was wondering if you were going to the dance this weekend?"

"I wasn't planning on it... nobody's asked me, so..." Mitch shrugs.

"Well... what if I asked you?" Scott asks, he could feel his heart pounding against his chest from nerves.

Mitch immediately looks up at Scott with wide eyes. "Excuse me?"

"I-" Scott hesitates. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you. I'm sorry." He turned around and starts to walk away but stops when Mitch shouts for him. He nervously turns around to see Mitch now standing up.

"Y-You were going to ask me to the dance?" Mitch asks softly.

Scott slowly nods. "I was," he says quietly. "I've been meaning to..."

"Why would you want to ask me? You could literally ask anyone you wanted..."

"And I wanted to ask you," Scott says, walking closer to Mitch. "I don't want to go with anyone else."

Mitch bites his lip as he stares at Scott for a moment. "So, ask me..."

Scott takes a deep breath. "Okay. Um, Mitch... will you go to the school dance with me?"

"No," Mitch says flatly, and Scott can just feel his heart break.

"O-Oh. Um... okay then. S-Sorry to bother you," Scott says quietly.

Mitch then suddenly giggles. "I'm just kidding! Of course I'll go to the dance with you," he says.

Scott gasps. "I can't believe you would pull such a cruel joke!"

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