little diva

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Summary: AU // Scott is a famous photographer who is doing a photoshoot with the biggest popstar in the world, Mitch Grassi. Things quickly get off to a bad start.


Mitch Grassi was a nightmare, to work with. That's what most people would tell anyone who wanted to work with him. Everybody in the industry thought he was a diva but he's quickly becoming the next big popstar in the world right now. He was taking over iTunes with his pop music and taking over YouTube with all of his big budget music videos. His face was on every billboard in L.A.

Mitch Grassi was everywhere. You couldn't escape him no matter where you went.

With Mitch's popularity skyrocketing, they had set up a photoshoot with photographer, Scott Hoying.

Scott Hoying is one of the most famous photographers when it comes to celebrities. He's the go to, and everybody loves him because of his sweet and kind personality. He always makes sure his clients are being treated right and comfortable, and are happy with the outcome of their photos.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Scott? I've heard bad things about this kid,"

Scott rolls his eyes as his best friend continues to try and talk him out of working with Mitch Grassi. "Kirstie, please. I've already agreed to do the photoshoot. We're already here. Besides, I'm not going to believe any of those rumors until I see it for myself," he says.

"Well, I've worked with him before and he's a nightmare!" Kirstie exclaims. "Did you know he once fired someone because they got him the wrong type of coffee? How ridiculous is that?"

"And, how do you know if that's true or not?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Grassi even talked about it himself in an interview. Look, I'm not making these things up!" Kirstie exclaims. "We've been waiting for ten minutes and he's still not here. Aren't you upset about this?"

"Ten minutes isn't that big of a deal. Once we hit, say... thirty minutes. Then I'll be upset,"

As if on cue, Scott can hear yelling from outside the room.

"Speaking of your majesty," Kirstie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I don't want to stay here for this but I also want to be here to see your face when you realize how much of a diva he is."

"What do you mean it's my fault we're late?" A voice yells. "You're the one who gave me these times!"

"It was an honest mistake!"


The door flies open and in walks Mitch Grassi, not looking very happy at all.

Scott stands straight up the second he sees Mitch. "Mitch, what a pleasure it is to be working with-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got important things to do today so let's make this quick,"

Kirstie looks over at Scott and smirks, then whispers 'told you so' to him.

Scott raises his eyebrows and then he walks over to his camera. "So, I have a few ideas..."

"I would sure hope so. You are the photographer, correct?" Mitch asks.

Scott instantly looks up at Mitch. "I think you'd better drop the attitude, and allow me to do my job,"

"Well, you're not doing a very good job at doing your job so far," Mitch snaps.

Scott rolls his eye, and chooses to ignore Mitch's snappy remarks. He's just going to assume that Mitch has had a long day and is stressed. After all, Mitch did say that he had a lot of things to do today.

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