protection (pt. 2)

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Summary: AU // Scott doesn't like Mitch throwing himself at Alphas and gets jealous. Kirstie comes up with a plan to get the two back together.


"What's going on with you and Mitch?" Kirstie asks as she sits down next to Scott at lunch.

Scott grumbles angrily. "How should I know? He's too busy flirting with every other Alpha in this school,"

"I thought you guys were together though?" Kirstie asks curiously.

"So did I. I mean... we always kiss and stuff. But, ever since he found out he was an Omega... he's been acting different. He flirts with every Alpha who looks at him," Scott sighs. "I guess we weren't meant to be, maybe I'm not good enough for him." He frowns as he looks down at his hands.

"Not good enough? You treat that boy like a prince," Kirstie says. "Make him jealous."

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times as he looks over at Kirstie.

"Obviously you two aren't going to talk it out so you need to show him what he's missing," Kirstie says. "You're too nice and he's taking advantage of that. He knows you won't say anything."

"He really thinks that about me?" Scott asks, a little hurt.

"A lot of people think that about you, sweetheart," Kirstie chuckles. "Including me."

"Wow," Scott scoffs. "I am going to make him jealous. I'm not gonna stand for being treated like this. I am an Alpha and I deserve to be treated with respect. He's an Omega. He can't do this to me."

"Okay, let's not take it that far. I understand it's upsetting but don't lose yourself over this. You're one of the kindest Alphas I know. It's nice to have kind Alphas like you every once in a while."

"I know, but... I'm not just going to sit back and let someone treat me like this."

"Okay, so here's the plan. I'll go find Mitch after school. You find someone. Another Alpha. Take him to my locker and like... kiss him or something. Mitch and I will will past and he'll see you," Kirstie explains.

Scott nods. "Okay... that would work. How am I going to find another Alpha to kiss me?"

"Hm. Oh, there's that new kid Alex that arrived a few months ago. He's an Omega," Kirstie says.

"Oh, you're right!" Scott says. He smiles. "Do you really think this plan will work?"

"Yes, if we do it right. Text me when you're at my locker," Kirstie says.

"Got it. I have next period with Alex so I'll talk to him then," Scott says. "I hope this works."

"It will. Mitch will get a taste of his own medicine, and he'll realize what he'll have when it's gone,"

"I just... what if it blows up? What if Mitch gets mad?" Scott says.

"Then I'll knock some sense into him. Don't worry, everything will be fine,"


Scott met up with Alex once school was over at Kirstie's locker.

"Thanks for meeting me," Scott says, flashing Alex a smile.

"Of course, Alpha. You're Scott Hoying, why would I say no to you?" Alex asks.

"So, you'd say yes if I asked you out on a date?" Scott asks.

"Yes!" Alex says excitedly. "Yes, I would say yes!"

Scott grins. "Perfect," he whispers before leaning down and kissing Alex. He pulls Alex closer to him and lets a moan escape from his mouth when Alex pushes him against the lockers.

Normally Scott didn't like when Omegas took control like this, but, Alex is kind of hot... so he didn't mind.

"Alpha," Alex moans as he wraps his arms around Scott's neck, holding onto him.

Mitch and Kirstie were just walking down the hallway to Kirstie's locker. Mitch looks up and gasps when he sees Scott making out with another Omega. He stops dead in his tracks.

Kirstie also stops and looks over at Mitch, smirking slightly. "What's wrong?"

"What the fuck is he doing?" Mitch asks angrily.

"Kissing an Omega, it looks like," Kirstie shrugs.

"N-No. He's not... we're supposed to... no!" Mitch yells, stomping his foot.

"Mitch, I thought you two weren't together?" Kirstie asks.

"He's mine. I can't believe he would do this," Mitch snaps.

"You mean, like you've been doing with other Alphas?" Kirstie raises her eyebrows.

Mitch blinks a few times as he stares at Kirstie for a moment before looking back over at Scott.

"Get away from him!" Mitch yells before storming over to Scott and pulling Alex harshly away from him.

"Ow," Alex whines as he grabs a hold of his arm where Mitch pulled him. "What was that for?"

"Seriously Mitch, what the hell?" Scott asks, glaring at the young Omega.

"Why would you go kiss some other Omega!" Mitch yells angrily.

"Oh, so you're allowed to flirt and make-out with other Alphas but I'm not allowed to do that?"

"You should have said something if it bothered you so much!"

"You knew I wouldn't say anything because I'm a nice person! You take advantage of that!"

Mitch takes a deep breath. "We need to talk,"

Scott bites his lip slightly as he looks over at Alex. "I'm sorry Alex, I'll talk to you later..."

"Except you won't, because he's mine," Mitch snaps as he grabs Scott's hand. "Don't ever kiss him again."

"He kissed me!" Alex yells as his eyes widen.

"Don't want to hear it," Mitch grumbles as he drags Scott away from Alex.

"I thought we were together?" Scott asks once he's sitting in his car with Mitch.

"We hold hands and stuff, but... I don't know," Mitch mumbles.

"If you wanted more, you could have just asked me," Scott says. "You didn't have to flirting with all those Alphas. That's so unfair for me, do you even realize that?"

"I'm sorry, okay?" Mitch says as he looks over at Scott. "I won't do it anymore."

"You should have never done it to begin with. I shouldn't have had to kiss another Omega to get your attention. We're talking about this later," Scott warns as he looks over at Mitch.

Mitch sighs as he looks over at Scott. "You can't stay mad at me forever,"

"We'll see about that," Scott mumbles as he starts the car.

Mitch reaches over and places his lips on Scott's and kisses him. "You can't," he whispers.

Scott stares at Mitch for a moment before he sighs in defeat. "I hate you,"

Mitch grins. "No you don't. You love me,"

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