college boyfriends

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Summary: a continuation of the last oneshot.


"Just friends, huh?"

Scott rolls his eyes as soon as he hears Kirstie's voice, already knowing what she's about to say.

"Kirst, knock it off. We're just friends, okay?" Scott snaps. "We're not dating. We never will date."

"But you want to," Kirstie continues, sitting next to Scott on the table. They were in the cafeteria, mostly because Scott's been avoiding Mitch at all costs ever since their awkward encounter a couple weeks ago. Scott's still hurt about what Mitch said about them being friends, and trying to get over his crush. Unfortunately for him, it hasn't been as easy as he would like it to be.

Scott shakes his head, and takes a sip of his coffee. "It doesn't matter, okay? Just drop it," he mumbles.

"Scott," Kirstie sighs softly. "I can see it in your eyes every time you look at him. You love him, I know this, and I think he really likes you too. He talks about you all the time when you're not around."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Stop trying to get my hopes up," he says. "He said it himself. We're just friends."

"Talk to him," Kirstie whispers. "There's no point in sitting around and just moping. Do something. So, maybe he won't like you back. You won't know until you actually talk to him."

"Alright," Scott snaps, glaring at Kirstie. "I'll fucking talk to him. Jesus Christ, Kirstie."

"Hey, I just want my two best friends to be happy," Kirstie says softly.

Scott scoffs and stands up, and proceeds to walk out of the cafeteria, not wanting to be asked about his crush on Mitch anymore by Kirstie. Even though Scott knows that Kirstie is right about the whole thing.

Scott sighs as he walks into his dorm and shuts the door behind him.

"Hey stranger,"

Scott jumps at the sudden voice, and looks up, then sighs in relief when he sees that it's just Mitch.

"Oh, hey," he replies awkwardly before walking over to his bed.

"Haven't seen you in awhile," Mitch continues, watching Scott curiously. "Did I do something wrong?"

"What?" Scott asks, looking over at Mitch in surprise. "What are you talking about?"

"Come on, it's obvious that you're avoiding me. You have been for weeks. What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. You've done nothing wrong, okay?" Scott lets out a sigh.

"Let me guess. It's the whole 'it's not you, it's me' thing, isn't it?" Mitch asks, becoming more annoyed.

"Mitch, come on... it's not that," Scott tries again. His heart is pounding against his chest. The one time he comes back to the dorm and Mitch is there, throwing questions at him. He has every right to be, but Scott doesn't know how to answer any of them without telling him the truth about his feelings.

"Then what is it, Scott?" Mitch asks, raising his voice. "I thought we were friends?"

"I'm in love with you!" Scott yells finally as he turns and looks at Mitch, breathing heavily.

Mitch stares at him with wide eyes. "Wh-What?" He asks. "What did you just say?"

"Don't make me say it again," Scott whispers, shaking his head. "You heard what I said."

"Scott," Mitch starts walking over to him but Scott quickly takes a step back, causing Mitch to frown. "Scott, why didn't you say anything to me? We've been friends... forever!"

"Exactly, we've been friends friends," Scott snaps. "That's what you said. We're just friends."

"I..." Mitch sighs. "I only said that because Kirstie is always breathing up my back about us. I wasn't exactly comfortable talking about my feelings with her standing right there in front of us."

"You oo, huh?" Scott chuckles. "The only reason I'm up here is because she won't leave me alone."

"So, without her... you wouldn't have come up here?" Mitch asks, frowning. "It's been, kinda lonely. Without you up here, y'know? I think we should talk, and make things better again."

"Look, if you're gonna reject me... just don't say anything. I'd rather not hear it," Scott mumbles. He starts to walk out of the room but Mitch quickly reaches over and grabs his arm, pulling him back.

"You really shouldn't jump to conclusions like that," Mitch whispers before pulling Scott down into a kiss.

Scott's eyes widen with shock, and it takes him a moment before he finally kisses Mitch back.

Mitch pulls away after a moment and takes a deep breath as he looks up at Scott, blushing. "So,"

Scott chuckles and kisses Mitch again, more passionately this time. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this to happen?" He whispers, looking down at Mitch. "A long fucking time."

"You should have said something sooner, dumbass," Mitch hits Scott on the chest playfully.

"In my defense," Scott begins. "Our friendship is so fucking important to me and I wasn't about to lose you over some silly crush. I'd rather suffer in silence than you being out of my life forever."

"You're so sweet," Mitch whispers as he reaches up and gently kisses Scott's cheek.

Scott smiles. He grabs Mitch's hand and leads him over to sit down on the bed. "So, I wanna do this right. If we're gonna date, that is. I want to take you on a date," he says.

"Wow," Mitch blushes. "A date? Haven't been on one of those in awhile. Usually it's just random hookups and one night stands."

Scott scoffs. "Those boys are stupid. You deserve better than that. So, how about it?"

"Tomorrow at 8?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott. "But, you're driving."

Scott laughs, and nods. "Sounds like a plan to me!"

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