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Summary: AU // Pentatonix has been done for five years since Mitch left mysteriously. Scott is forced to move on with his life. Finally, he decides to go to a very fancy club that Kirstin recommended to him to try and find himself a cute boy to hook up with. It's with Scott's luck that he goes to the very same club that Mitch happens to work at.

A/N: I'm the worst at updating this book. I'll try to update it more!!


It's been over five years since Pentatonix had been together. Things haven't been the same since Pentatonix ended all those years ago and Scott hates that this is the way things had to happen.

Everybody is doing different things now and Scott doesn't really talk to the other members lately. He keeps in contact with Kirstin and tries to keep in contact with Avi and Kevin but they're busy doing other things and Scott doesn't want to be annoying so he doesn't text them as often as he would like.

Mitch, however... he hasn't spoken a single word to in over five years and it breaks Scott's heart. Mitch is the sole reason why Pentatonix ended. All he left was a note saying he'd finally had enough. He packed all of his things and left without saying a word to anyone. Not even Scott.

Scott's slowly starting to get over the fact that Pentatonix will never be together again and that everyone has pretty much moved on with their lives, but that doesn't stop his heart from hurting.

And now, Scott has found himself at a very fancy club that only rich people go to. It's been a few months since he's been with a boy and he's tired of sulking around his apartment.

Kirstin and Esther told them about this place. How they know about it is still confusing to Scott.

"Sorry about the wait Sir. How can I help you?" The bartender asks.

Scott has been waiting over ten minutes to get a drink. He didn't know this place is so popular.

"Um," Scott bites his lip slightly as he looks up at the menu.

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Scott blinks a few times as he looks at the bartender. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I know you from somewhere..." The bartender says, tapping his chin as he thinks. "Aha! I know, you're that one guy from Pentatonix. My daughter used to be a big fan of yours."

"Thanks, but I really don't want to talk about that right now," Scott says.

"She said you don't talk to the other members much anymore. What would you say if I told you that Grassi works at this very club?" The bartender asks.

Scott's eyes widen with shock. "Mitch works here?" He asks. "I don't... what?"

"Yes Sir," The bartender confirms with a nod. "He's a stripper. One of the most popular ones here."

"A stripper?" Scott asks. "Wait a minute... I need to let this sink in..."

"Wow. Y'all really don't speak to anymore, do you?" The bartender asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I haven't spoken to Mitch in five years," Scott snaps. He can't help but feel a little angry because Mitch used to be his best friend and he just left without saying a single word to him. No text. No call. Nothing.

"Well, he's here tonight but he's working and you have to pay if you want to see him," The bartender says. "He is a stripper and he's very demanding these days so you might not get to see him."

"I'll wait as long as I have to in order to see him. I have answers and I need answers," Scott says as he pulls his wallet out of his jacket. "How much is it to see him?"

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