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someone requested this, so hopefully you liked it! <3


"Mitch, please. I haven't seen you in a week-" Scott whines as he looks up at his boyfriend, who is currently straddling him, and teasing him. They'd just been reunited after Mitch had been in Paris for a whole week. Scott missed him like crazy and he's been waiting for this moment.

"But it looked like you didn't miss me. Have fun in Vegas?" Mitch asks, smirking.

"You were in Paris. Across the world from me!" Scott pouts. He goes to take Mitch's shirt off but Mitch playfully smacks his hands away. "Mitch! Come on. Why are you teasing me like this?"

"Same reason you love to tickle me. It's funny!" Mitch giggles.

Scott glares at him. "Now you're just being cruel,"

"You still love me even when I am cruel," Mitch grins before leaning down and kissing Scott a few times. He slowly starts grinding on him, causing Scott to let out a moan.

"Oh, fuck, Mitch-" Scott mumbles into the kiss.

The kiss quickly starts heating up, and Scott desperately tries to pin Mitch down, but Mitch won't allow it, which is making Scott even more frustrated because he doesn't know why Mitch is refusing.

Mitch finally pulls away from the kiss and moves his legs so he's no longer straddling Scott.

"Wait- Mitch, where are you going?" Scott asks, frowning slightly as he watches Mitch.

"I'm hungry, do you want anything to eat?" Mitch asks.

"Mitch, are you fucking serious right now?" Scott asks, his face turning slightly red.

"Yeah, I'm seriously hungry. Do you want to go out?" Mitch ask as he stands up from the bed.

Scott doesn't know how to feel as he watches his boyfriend. He doesn't know if he should be angry or just confused. Mitch just got home and they haven't seen each other in a week. They've been texting nonstop and Mitch promised that they could do this the second they got home.

"But, you promised..." Scott whispers, sinking down into the bed.

Mitch looks over at Scott and smiles. "So, are you coming, or not?"

"Not," Scott mumbles as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"Suit yourself," Mitch shrugs before walking out of the bedroom, leaving Scott still confused.

Scott doesn't understand... why Mitch would get him worked up like that, then just leave? Mitch has never done that before but Scott's not gonna let him get away with it. Two can play at this game.

And Scott knows exactly how to get him back.


Two days pass since Mitch arrived home and since he and Scott had their last interaction. Scott's still pretty upset with Mitch but it's fine because he has a plan to get Mitch back.

And since then, Scott hasn't been cuddling with Mitch or letting Mitch kiss him. He could tell that Mitch is getting frustrated but Mitch isn't saying anything about it. Scott wants to win... whatever this is. Anyways, it's Mitch's fault this is happening anyways. He shouldn't have let Scott alone like that!

Maybe Scott's overreacting... probably. But he still wants to win.

"Mitchy?" Scott calls from his bedroom upstairs.

"Yes?" Mitch responds from the kitchen. Scott's surprised he even responded.

"Can you come upstairs real quick? I wanna show you something," Scott says. He giggles a little when he hears a sigh then he hears footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Okay, what is it you need to show me?" Mitch asks as he walks up to Scott.

"Close your eyes," Scott tells him, a smile forming on his face.

"Okay, what's going on?" Mitch asks as he crosses his arms against his chest.

"Come on!" Scott pouts. "Things have been kind of awkward the past couple of days and I wanna make it up to you so I have a little surprise but you can't see it unless you close your eyes."

Mitch sighs in defeat and then closes his eyes. "Okay, my eyes are close..."

"Okay, I'm gonna lead you in..." Scott says as he grabs Mitch's arm and carefully leads him into the bedroom. "Now I need you to lie down on the bed, on your back."

"Ooh, am I getting a massage or something?" Mitch asks excitedly.

"Not exactly," Scott answers as he helps Mitch lie down on his back. "Comfy?"

"I suppose... though I don't understand why I have to have my eyes close," Mitch says.

"You'll see in a minute. God, you're so impatient," Scott laughs. Scott looks over at Mitch and gasps when Mitch opens one of his eyes and he quickly covers Mitch's eyes. "No peeking!"

"Scotty!" Mitch whines with a pout. "Okay, fine. I have my eyes closed again."

"Good, now keep them closed," Scott warns. He reaches over and grabs the rope that's been sitting on the nightstand. He grabs one of Mitch's arms and ties his arm to the bedpost.

"Uh, Scott? What are you doing?" Mitch asks, still keeping his eyes closed.

"You'll see in a minute," Scott says as he walks to the other side of the bed and ties his other arm up. "Okay... you can look now." He sets the rope down on the floor.

Mitch slowly opens his eyes and looks around, and frowns when he sees that he's tied up. "What the fuck is this? Why are my arms tied up? This is very fifty shades of grey and very unlike you," he says. "Is there something you wanna tell me. Like, do you want to try BDSM in the bedroom or something?"

Scott can't help but laugh and then he crawls onto the bed. "Okay, Curious George..."

"Scott, I'm fucking tied to a bed... what did you expect?" Mitch asks.

"Remember how when you came back from Paris and you promised that we'd have sex but then we didn't, and I was very upset about it?" Scott asks as he scoots closer to Mitch.

"Is that what this is about?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, this is my revenge-" Scott says as he reaches over and starts tickling Mitch.

Mitch squeals and starts laughing. "Sc-Scotty, no! N-No m-more!"

"Did you say more?" Scott asks, smirking, as he continues tickling Mitch.

"Scott!" Mitch cries with laughter as he starts kicking his feet to try to push Mitch away.

"No, this is payback!" Scott says as he moves to straddle Mitch so Mitch couldn't kick him.

"Scott, I hate being tickled!" Mitch whines.

"I know, that's the point silly," Scott grins before he slowly starts tickling Mitch again.

Mitch laughs, and laughs so hard that his face starts turning red and tears form in his eyes. "Stop!"

"Say you're sorry," Scott says as he continues to tickle Mitch.

"I-I-I'm s-sor-ry!" Mitch cries, still laughing. "Scott! I can't breath!"

Scott chuckles and finally stops tickling Mitch. "Have you learned your lesson?"

Mitch looks up at Scott and glares at him. "I fucking hate you,"

Scott gently wipes away the tears on Mitch's face and leans down to kiss him. "I love you too,"

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