Hogwarts (final)

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Mitch thought that Hogwarts was going to be fun, and that it would be magical.

Unfortunately for him, he just got caught up in a bunch of drama that he didn't want to be caught in.

It was all Kirstin's fault. She stole Scott away from him, and it didn't take very long before Scott and Kirstin to become the power couple of the school. They were always seen together. Though Scott did sometimes make an effort to try and hang out with Mitch whenever he could.

It surprised Mitch because Kirstin is a Gryffindor and Scott is a Hufflepuff. He didn't think the pair would get along so well. They seemed happy and he's glad Scott is happy, but it's just... Kirstin. Mitch is convinced that Kirstin convinced Scott's that he's just another evil Slytherin which would explain why Scott doesn't hang out with him as much as he used to.

Now, they're in their fifth year of Hogwarts and things still haven't changed at all, and Mitch is getting fed up of dealing with all of this pointless drama.

"It's been two years. How are they still together?" Mitch sighs with annoyance as he sits with his friend, Tyler, who's also in Slytherin. He's one of the few Slytherins that Mitch found that he can actually trust, and they've been friends ever since they met in first year.

"I know it sucks but there's nothing you can do about it," Tyler tells him.

"But, I know that Scott is unhappy being with her. You've seen it. He looks absolutely miserable," Mitch says. "He went from being this ray of sunshine Hufflepuff to miserable. It's sad."

"Mitch," Tyler warns as he looks over at him. "Don't get yourself caught up in all this stupid drama. Just focus on your school work or something."

"I guess you're right," Mitch mumbles. "Scott hardly talks to me at all anyways. Why should I bother trying to keep talking to him? It's obvious he only hangs out with me for sympathy."

"That's the spirit," Tyler grins. "Wanna go down to dinner?"

"Yes, I'm starving," Mitch says before jumping up from his bed. He looks over at Tyler and smiles, before following him out of the dorm. They make their way down to the Great Hall.

Scott runs up to Mitch the second he walks into the room, surprising Mitch.

"Mitchy. Do you wanna sit with me? I haven't seen you in a couple of days," Scott says excitedly.

"What?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times. "Don't you usually sit with Kirstin? And besides... it's your fault that you haven't seen me. I've been trying to talk to you but I guess I'm not important enough."

Scott frowns slightly. "Of course you're important enough. You know that,"

"No. I don't know that," Mitch scoffs. "You never want to hang out with me. You're always with Kirstin."

"Because... she's my girlfriend?" Scott says. "Am I not allowed to hang out with my girlfriend?"

"I never said that. But, I always make time for you and you always turn me down because you'd rather hang out with the popular kids. Well, I'm done. Okay, Scott? I got better things to do than worry about this stupid drama," Mitch snaps before grabbing Tyler's arm and walking to their table.

Scott blinks a few times as he stands there, confused and sad about what just happened.

The next few days, Scott spent trying to talk to Mitch. Mitch wasn't giving in that easily though. He's really upset about the whole situation. He's been trying to drown himself in school work to keep his mind off of Scott. He just couldn't stop thinking about him and it was driving him crazy.

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