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Summary: AU // Mitch runs into someone who looks an awful lot like his boyfriend, only to find out that it's his identical twin brother. Scott's shocked when he's find out but that doesn't stop him from forming a bond with his long lost twin. However, things get rough when Sean blows up on social media and starts unintentionally stealing Scott's friends, and boyfriend.


Mitch sighs as he looks around the coffee shop. It's early and for some reason the local Starbucks is busy, though it is a Saturday so maybe that explains it. Mitch usually doesn't wake up early on the weekends but today he did and it's his turn to go get Starbucks for him and Scott, as Scott is still asleep.

"Here's your order, Sir. Thank you for being so patient,"

Mitch looks up and smiles before taking the two coffee's from the barista. "Thank you," he says before making his way out of the line. "Pardon me. Oops. Sorry-" this line is way too long and Mitch can't wait to get out of here and go back home where he can hopefully take a nap before the day starts.

Mitch finally makes it to the door but he doesn't see the person who's about to walk in, and completely hits them with the door. Mith gasps as he drops his coffee. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!"

"Clearly," the man laughs, and Mitch immediately recognizes the voice.

"Scott?" Mitch asks as he looks up and sees the familiar blonde haired boy. "What are you doing here?" He asks as he helps pull the man up from the ground. "I thought you were still sleeping?"

"Pardon?" The man asks as he looks up at Mitch. "I don't know who Scott is, my name is Sean."

"That's... not possible. You look exactly like my bo- best friend Scott," Mitch says, staring at the man.

"No Scott here. I'm Sean. Who might you be?" Sean asks.

Mitch shakes his head and then holds out his hands. "My name is Mitch," he says before shaking Sean's hand. "I'm so sorry. You really look like my friend. Here, look-" Mitch pulls out his phone and shows Sean a picture of Scott that he has on his phone. "You sound exactly like him."

"That's my face," Sean says as he takes the phone from Mitch. "I don't understand?"

"The only possible explanation I can think of is... you two are twins," Mitch gasps. "Two Scott's?"

Sean looks up at Mitch and frowns. "I have a twin?"

"I mean... it's possible. We'd have to talk to your parents. Would you like to meet him?"

Sean nods immediately. "Yes, please. I want to meet him if he's my twin,"

Mitch smiles and nods. "Okay cool. Do you want to go to our house now?" He asks.

"Yes please. Also, I'm sorry about your coffee," Sean quickly apologizes.

Mitch chuckles. "Wow. You're already starting to sound a lot like Scott," he says.


Mitch takes Sean to his and Scott's apartment. It's still weird looking at Sean, knowing he's not Scott. He sounds just like him and looks just like him. He's very curious to know if he's actually Scott's twin.

"Stay here," Mitch whispers to Sean before walking up the stairs and going to Scott's room.

Mitch walks into Scott's bedroom and smiles at the sight of his boyfriend sleeping peacefully on his bed. He takes a deep breath before walking over to him and crawling next to him on the bed.

"Baby?" Mitch asks softly as he gently shakes Scott awake.

"Hm?" Scott asks tiredly as his eyes slowly flutter. He rubs his eyes and looks up at Mitch. "Hi, Princess."

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