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Summary: AU // Scott becomes pregnant. His boyfriend leaves him and the rest of Pentatonix aren't very happy when they find out. Scott has a tough time but he has Mitch there to help him.

A/N: I normally write pregnant!Mitch but I thought pregnant!Scott would be interesting.


"You can't just leave me like this!" Scott sobs as he holds a phone to his ear.

"I don't want anything to do with that child-"

"I t-told you we should have used protection! You said w-we didn't need it!" Scott yells.

"I would have thought twice if I'd known that you could get pregnancy!"


"You're a freak. Men aren't supposed to get pregnant. Get an abortion and I'll stay with you,"

Scott gasps. "A-Abortion?" His eyes began to water up.

"There's no way you're going to be able to carry that thing, Scott. Think about it. Let's be realistic,"

"Please don't make me get an abortion," Scott begs.

"Then we're through. Don't contact me ever again," Alex snaps before hanging up.

Scott drops his phone onto the ground and sobs into his hands. He couldn't believe that his boyfriend of over three years is leaving him all because he got pregnant. Scott didn't even know it was possible that he could get pregnant. He called his parents and they kept it from him to "protect him".

Scott wish he'd known because he wouldn't be stuck in this mess, and he'd still have Alex with him.

Scott sniffs and wipes away his tears. He stands up and walks over to his mirror. He stares at himself for a few moments. He tries to picture himself being pregnant but he can't. He's tall and muscular and soon he's going to be fat and ugly because of the pregnancy. What will his fans think?

Shit. He hasn't even told the other Pentatonix members about the pregnancy and it's been two weeks.


Scott gasps and quickly puts his shirt down again. He looks over at his door. "Y-Yeah?"

Mitch slowly pushes the door open and walks into Scott's bedroom. "I heard yelling. Are you okay?"

"Just dandy," Scott says, forcing a smile. "Couldn't be better."

"No offense, but you are the worst liar in the history of liars," Mitch raises his eyebrows.

"Mitch, please. I'm really not in the mood right now," Scott says.

"I can tell you're upset, and I know one thing that makes you feel better. Why don't we have a wine night?"

Scott frowns as he realizes that he's not going to be able to drink alcohol for nine months.

Scott scoffs. "That's just great. Just what I needed," he mumbled angrily.

"Great! What type of wine should we get?" Mitch asks, grinning.

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times as he looks up at MItch.

"Wine. Pay attention, Scotty," Mitch chuckles. "Are we having a wine night or not?"

Scott sighs frustratingly. "I'm not allowed to have wine," he says.

"Why not?" Mitch asks curiously. "Don't tell me you're going on a diet. We're club buddies." He pouts.

"I can't drink alcohol or wine because of my useless piece of shit boyfriend got me fucking pregnant and now I have to pay for the consequences!" Scott yells angrily. His eyes widen as soon as he realizes what he's said and he instantly slaps his hand over his mouth.

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