open window

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Summary: AU // Mitch is in trouble thanks to his stupid friends. He's running from the cops when he sees an open window in a  random house. He takes his chance and climbs through. There, he meets a nice man who agrees to help him, luckily.


Mitch breathes heavily as he looks around, desperately looking for a place to hide. He can hear the police sirens getting closer and closer. He's in big trouble for something that he didn't even do but he knows that he can't let the police catch him. He's never been in trouble before.

Mitch gasps, and his eyes widen, when he sees an open window in a nearby house that he can crawl into. It's definitely a risky move, but he needs to get away from the cops before they get to him first.

Mitch dashes towards the house. Thank God the window is on the first story or else he'd be quite screwed. He just hopes no one is home so he can hide for a few minutes.

"God, this is the lowest moment of my fucking life," Mitch mumbles before climbing onto the window. He looks down and bites his lip slightly. He goes to reach over to grab the table by the window, but he loses his balance and falls to the floor, letting out a loud yelp.

Mitch groans after he lands on the floor, and then slowly pushes himself up in sitting position. He looks around and blinks a few times. This house is quite nice. The person who lives here must be very rich.

"Fuck," Mitch mumbles before standing up. He brushes off his pants. He looks up and his eyes widen when he sees another person standing in the living room doorway with a baseball bat in his hands.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house? I'll call the police!"

Mitch's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head. "Please don't call the police!"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't,"

"B-Because... I-I'm... I'm already running from the police,"

"Great. So, a criminal broke into my house and I'm probably going to die," the man rolls his eyes.

"Please. Do you think someone like me can actually murder someone?" Mitch asks, scoffing.

"Looks can be deceiving," the man retorts.

"You got me there," Mitch says. "But, no. I'm not a criminal. I'm just a regular teenage boy who was hanging out with his stupid friends who did something stupid. Now the cops are after me."

"You're a teenager? What's your name?" The man asks curiously, still holding onto the bat tightly.

"My name is Mitch. What's your name?" Mitch asks.

"Scott," he replies. "Weird way to meet someone if you ask me. But... I still probably should call the cops."

"Please, don't call the cops! I've never been in trouble before. I'm sorry for breaking into your house like this, although... I wouldn't really calling it breaking in when your window was literally wide open,"

"That still doesn't give you a right to break into my house," Scott frowns.

"That wasn't a very good argument that I made. But, please. I've never been in trouble before. My parents will literally ground me for life if they found out that I was in trouble with the cops," Mitch begs.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been hanging out with your stupid friends?" Scott suggests.

"I didn't know they were going to rob a store!" Mitch exclaims, flailing his arms with anger.

"They robbed a store?" Scott's eyes widen. "I'm calling the cops." He reaches for his house phone.

"Did you not hear me? They robbed a store. I'm innocent!" Mitch yells.

"And how do I know that you're innocent? You could be lying to me," Scott snaps. "I don't know you."

"But you could get to know me," Mitch says, biting his lip seductively.

Scott raises his eyebrows. "Really?" He asks. "You're going to try to flirt with me?"

"It was worth a shot. Ew. You could be like... fifty years old or something, and I just flirted with you. Gross," Mitch shivers. "This really is the lowest moment of my life!"

"I'm not fifty years old," Scott snaps. "I'm only twenty. And just how old are you?"

"I'm seventeen," Mitch answers. "Oh thank God. Only three years apart. Phew."

"That still doesn't make this whole situation okay. You literally broke into my house because you're trying to get away from the cops. Literally, who does that?" Scott scoffs and shakes his head.

"Someone who is desperate, aka me," Mitch says. "I'm sorry for breaking into your house. I meant no harm. The police are probably gone by now. I'll get out of your hair now."

"Okay... I'll lead you out," Scott says calmly, before leading Mitch out of the living room. He opens the front door and blinks a few times when he sees two policemen standing there. "Hello?"

"We heard reports that a young teenager was running around this neighborhood. Have you seen?"

Scott hesitates. He probably should tell the police about the boy who had broken into his house just a few moments ago, any normal human would, but he seems innocent and seems like he means no harm. "No, police officer. I haven't seen him, but I will be sure to let you know if I do..."

"Thank you for the help,"

Scott smiles and then he shuts the door. He sighs and looks over at Mitch. "You owe me,"

Mitch frowns. "Why did you do that? You should have turned me in," he says.

"Do you promise that you're telling the truth? About your friends?" Scott asks.

"Yes. I was just... in the wrong place at the wrong time. I bet they have security footage that I'm innocent," Mitch says. "I would never steal anything. I just didn't want to get in trouble with the police."

Scott sighs and shakes his head, hoping he won't regret this decision later. "We'll go to that store later and see if we can look at the security footage. Until then... you can stay at my house until it's clear for you to go home," he says.

Mitch gasps. "Thank you! Oh my gosh. Wow. I really do owe you," he sighs in relief.

It sure was a risky move breaking into someone's house, but luckily, the owner is nice. And cute.


does anyone have any one-shot prompts? all are welcome!

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