hurt (pt. 2)

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  Summary: AU // Scott has a rough life at home, and Mitch comforts him when he finally breaks down. 

Triggers/Warnings: hospital and injuries

A/N: Sorry for being the worst writer in the world and not updating this lol.


 Scott's been staying at Mitch's house over a month now, ignoring his parents and anything they say. He's been much happier since staying with Mitch. He missed being in his own home, but staying with Mitch has been fun and he's enjoying getting to spend time with his best friend.

Scott quit football after a week of being at Mitch's. Football doesn't make him happy. Music does, and he doesn't care what his father has to say about his dreams. Though, he does secretly wish that his parents would actually care about him and would stop caring about their reputations, and support him.

The more time Scott spent with Mitch, the more Scott realized how he truly felt about the boy.

Scott sighs tiredly as he walks into school on a Monday morning. He immediately starts making his way down the hallway to Mitch's locker. When he looks up, and he sees Mitch making out with another boy... his heart breaks into pieces. Mitch never told him that he was dating someone else. Now Scott knows why Mitch had wanted to leave a little earlier than him when they usually come to school together.

Well, there goes his plans of asking Mitch out on a date this weekend.

Scott's eyes begin to water up. He turns and walks back down the hallway, and quickly leaves the school before anyone can see him. There's no way Scott's going to be able to stay at school. He doesn't care if it's over something stupid and that he'll probably get in trouble later. Scott's hurt.


Mitch returns home from school and finds his mom in the kitchen.

"Hey mom," Mitch says as he places his backpack by the door. "Did Scott stay home from school?"

"Yes, he did. I don't think he's feeling very well today," Nel tells him.

"Really? But... he seemed fine yesterday?" Mitch says.

"Colds come at random times, sweetheart. Why don't you go check on him?" Nel suggests.

"Okay," Mitch says before walking out of the kitchen and heading upstairs to Scott's room. He knocks on the door once before pushing the door open. He looks up and frowns when he sees Scott curled up in bed, and he feels bad that Scott isn't feeling well. Mitch is just glad Scott doesn't do football anymore or else he would have been stressing out even more about missing a game and disappointing his dad.

"Scotty?" Mitch asks as he walks over to the bed.

Scott immediately pulls his blanket over his face so that he wouldn't see Mitch.

Mitch frowns. "Come on. I know you're not feeling well, and I haven't seen you all day. I can't believe you didn't tell me that you weren't coming to school today," he pouts.

Scott pulls down the blanket, making Mitch jump slightly. "And I can't believe you didn't tell me that you had a fucking boyfriend," he snaps. "So we're even now. Just... go away."

"Boyfriend?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm not an idiot, Mitch. I saw you making out with that boy this morning," Scott scoffs.

"Who? Pete? I'm not dating Pete! We're just friends," Mitch says. "We were just kissing."

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" Scott asks.

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