ice skating

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Summary: Scott takes Mitch out on a date.

A/N: I'm sorry for being so awful at updating this.


"Ice skating?" Mitch asked as he stood hand-in-hand with Scott in front of an ice-skating rink.

"Yeah," Scott smiled as he looked over at the smaller boy. "I thought it would be fun."

"Babe, you know I'm terrible at ice-skating. You saw first hand when we shot the Sing music video,"

Scott chuckled and nodded. "Yes, and it was quite hilarious. But, don't worry, my love. I'll teach you,"

"And what do you know about ice-skating?" Mitch asked as he followed Scott into the building.

"More than enough to know how to ice-skate," Scott told him. "I'm not a professional or anything but..."

"Definitely not a professional," Mitch laughed. "I can't believe you chose ice-skating for our date!"

"Hey, it'll be fun... and plus, we'll be able to spend some time together without being bothered by anyone, usually when we go on our dates we're bothered by the fans, and while I love them to death... I just want to be able to spend some time with you," Scott said.

"But, how do you know we won't be bothered here?" Mitch asked.

"Because," Scott smirked. "I've rented the place for the night."

"What?" Mitch looked ahead and his eyes went wide when he saw that it was completely empty. "Scott! I can't believe you did this." He playfully hit Scott on the arm.

"See, I can be romantic when I want to be," Scott laughed.

Mitch rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot," he joked as he followed Scott.

"An idiot who's madly in love with you," Scott argued playfully.

"True," Mitch laughed and then he quickly reached up and kissed Scott's cheek. "I really appreciate this."

"I would do anything for you, you know that," Scott said.

"I know that," Mitch smiled and then he watched as Scott grabbed a pair of shoes for him. "Okay, you know I'm going to fall flat on my face as soon as I get on the ice rink?"

"And I'm most likely going to laugh at you but, I'll help you, I promise," Scott said.

Mitch sighed and then he walked over to the bench and sat down. "I can't believe you rented this place,"

"Anything for my boy, and my boy deserves the best," Scott said as he sat down beside him.

"You're such a romantic sap," Mitch laughed and shoved him playfully.

"Ugh, you bring out this side of me," Scott said.

"Well, what can I say?" Mitch shrugged and then kicked off his shoes.

Scott and Mitch quickly put on their shoes and Mitch is hesitant about getting on the rink.

"Come on Mitch, it'll be fine," Scott said as he started skating around on the ice.

"Quit being a showoff!" Mitch yelled as he stayed seated on the bench.

"Mitchie," Scott said as he skated over so that they were facing each other. "Just try?"

Mitch sighed in defeat. "Come help me?" He asked, holding his hand out.

Scott chuckled and then he carefully walked over to Mitch and helped him stand up.

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