picnic proposal (pt. 2)

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A/N: Oops? :)

A/N #2: Ahhh thanks so much for 3k reads! I never expected this. :D


"Why can't we just get married now?" Mitch groans as he sits next to Scott on the couch.

Scott laughs. "Because, I want everything to be perfect. I want you to pick out the perfect dress and-"

"Wait, you're being serious?" Mitch asks, sitting fully up. "You actually want me to wear a dress?"

"I wouldn't want you to wear anything else," Scott smiles. "Whatever you feel comfortable in."

Mitch squeals excitedly and flings his arms around Scott to hold him. "Thank you, thank you!"

Scott laughs as he holds onto Mitch, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "I want nothing but the best for my beautiful bride. You're going to look amazing no matter what you wear on the big day,"

"I wonder what I'll look like with my dress and bald ass head," Mitch says.

"You'll look beautiful," Scott says, kissing the top of Mitch's head. "Love you."

"Love you more," Mitch mumbles as he curls up next to Scott.

"Impossible," Scott chuckles. "When should we start planning? We have a lot to do."

"When we're not busy," Mitch says. "But we're always busy."

"Maybe we should start now, plan a date that's suitable for everybody," Scott says. "We can start doing all of the small stuff like the venue and where it's going to be. We should definitely start the guest list."

"Agreed," Mitch nods. "We've already waited two months so."

"Exactly. I'm excited about wedding planning. It'll be fun to see everything come together,"

"Kirstie demands that she's with me when I go dress shopping," Mitch chuckles.

"Of course," Scott rolls his eyes playfully. "It'll be better if you have someone there anyways."

"Yes, but my mother also wants to be there with me so I have to set a date as soon as possible so she and dad can come down and be there with me," Mitch says.

"Oh, fuck. We have a lot to do, don't we?" Scott laughs.

"Yes, we do," Mitch smiles as he looks up at Scott. "And I can't wait."

"Me too," Scott leans down and gently kisses Mitch. "Soon we'll be husbands."

"I might actually have a husband by 2018," Mitch says, laughing, remembering a Superfruit episode.

Scott blinks a few times as he thinks. "Oh! I get it now,"


"Why can't I go?" Scott asks, pouting as he watches Mitch getting ready to leave.

"Because, you can't see the dress until the big day," Mitch says softly.

"But I don't want to wait," Scott whines. "Please, can I go?"

"Cute, but no," Mitch says with a chuckle. He walks over to Scott and leans down to kiss him. "I might give you a sneak peak later though. Depends if you're good or not."

"You're the worst," Scott mumbles. "I can't believe Kirstie gets to see you in the dress before me!"

Mitch laughs. "I have to go. We can't be late," he says.

Scott smiles and wraps his arms around Mitch, and pulls him down onto the bed with him.

"Scott!" Mitch squeals as he falls onto his side. "What was that for?"

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