hand holding

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Summary: AU // 'It's below freezing and we have to walk home today.....wanna hold hands to stay warm?' au

This is from auprompts on twitter but I saw this because of sohurryup on twitter! :)

I might have changed it slightly btw...


Mitch couldn't believe how freezing it was, especially in Los Angeles. It's never this cold. But somehow, there was actually snow on the ground. It never slows in L.A. At least to Mitch's knowledge.

And to make matters even worse, Mitch has to walk to work in this God awful weather.

"Scott?" Mitch asks as he knocks on his roommates door. "Scott, we have to leave for work!"

"Don't wanna!"

Mitch rolls his eyes and pushes the door open, walking into the bedroom.

"Ah! Mitch! What the fuck? I could have been... naked or something!" Scott yells as he quickly covers himself up with his blankets to hide his bare chest, looking up at Mitch with wide eyes.

Mitch snorts. "Please. It's not like I've seen you walk around the apartment in just your boxers or anything," he says. "Now get your lazy ass up because we've got to go to work. Wear something warm."

"Why?" Scott asks, pushing himself up and swinging his legs over the bed.

"Look outside. You'll get your answer," Mitch says before walking out of the bedroom. He walks down the hallway and smirks when he hears a scream come from Scott's bedroom.

"What the fuck is that?" Scott asks as he runs out of his bedroom, throwing a t-shirt on.

"It's called snow," Mitch replies as he slips on his shoes.

"I know what it's called," Scott rolls his eyes. "Why is it snowing in Los Angeles? It never snows."

"I don't know. I'm not a weatherman," Mitch sighs. "But, it's fucking freezing outside, and it doesn't help that I don't have anything appropriate to wear for snow because it's not supposed to snow in Los Angeles!"

"Let me get dressed real quick, and then we'll figure something out. I'm not looking forward to walking in that mess anymore than you are" Scott says before walking back into his bedroom.

Mitch sighs and then he pulls out his phone and calls his friend, and coworker, Kirstin.

"Hey, are you at work already?" Mitch asks, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah. I had an early shift. Why, is something wrong?" Kirstin asks.

"Uh, have you looked outside? It's snowing," Mitch scoffs. "Scott and I are gonna be a few minutes late. Can you tell Kate for me? I don't want to deal with her."

Kirstin laughs loudly. "Yeah, I'll tell her. Good luck in that snow,"

"Yeah, thanks. See you in a little bit," Mitch mumbles before hanging up on Kirstin.

Mitch looks over when he sees Scott and chuckles when he sees how he's dressed. "You're so cute,"

"Shut up. I'm not gonna freeze my ass off out there and get sick," Scott mumbles as he zips his jacket up.

"We have to walk. We're most likely going to sick whether we like it or not," Mitch says.

"Then let's get this over with then," Scott says before slipping on his shoes and grabbing his phone, and then he leads the way out of the apartment, Mitch following behind him.

"Wait up!" Mitch yells as he runs up to Scott.

"Be careful running like that outside. There's probably ice on the ground," Scott warns softly.

Mitch sighs. "I really fucking hate snow," he mumbles.

It's about ten minutes into their walk when Mitch starts shivering, teeth chattering and his hands shaking. He's never been so cold in his life but the most he had at home is a big sweater.

Scott looks over at Mitch and frowns when he sees Mitch shaking. "You okay?"

"F-F-Fine. Ju-Just f-fine," Mitch replies, shaking his head, and trying not to focus on the cold.

"Do you wanna hold hands?" Scott asks, holding his hand out.

"What?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times as he looks over at Scott.

"F-For warmth, you know? It'll help keep you warm," Scott adds quickly, thankful that this cheeks are already bright pink from the cold so that Mitch can't see him blushing.

"O-Okay," Mitch says before grabbing Scott's hand and holding onto it tightly.

Scott smiles, and pulls Mitch closer to him. "See? It's working,"

"It's still fr-fr-freezing," Mitch mumbles. "There's still snow on the ground. I'm gonna get sick!"

Scott chuckles and shakes his head as Mitch continues complaining about the cold as they walk to work, though he can't help the smile on his face, because he's holding hands with a very cute boy who he's had a crush on for almost a year. The only problem is Mitch doesn't know about Scott's crush.

They've known each other for over two years, when they met at the diner they work at. They decided to become roommates after they formed a tight friendship. Scott has been meaning to ask Mitch on a date, but he's far too nervous to ask someone as perfect as Mitch out.

Any excuse to hold Mitch's hand, even just for a little bit, will make Scott happy.

"Hallelujah!" Mitch exclaims once they walk into the diner. "Warmth."

"You finally made it," Kirstin smiles when she sees the two walk in. "Oh. What's this?"

"What's what?" Scott asks, blinking a few times as he looks at Kirstin.

"That," she nods towards Scott and Mitch's intertwined hands.

"Oh," Mitch blushes and quickly pulls his hand away from Scott's, earning a frown from Scott.

"Are you two finally a thing now?" Kirstin asks excitedly.

"No," both Scott and Mitch respond quickly at the same.

"Oh," Kirstin pouts, and then lets out a sigh. "Well... whatever. Get to work you two."

"Yeah. Right... work," Scott mumbles before flashing a smile at Mitch.

"Thanks," Mitch says as he looks at Scott. "For keeping me warm. It was nice."

"Yeah, it was. We should do that more often," Scott grins.

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