friends with benefits

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Summary: Scott and Mitch recently became friends with benefits, then feelings got involved.

A/N: Y'ALL!!! This book reached over 300k reads? That's insane. Thank you so much!!

Also, I have deleted the book 'Paparazzi' mostly because I kept forgetting to update it and the motivation to write for it just totally disappeared lol sorry. I don't think I'll be writing many more ptx/scomiche books unless I really like the idea so please try to refrain for asking me to write books, but I'm still going to write my oneshots though, so no worries, pals!!!

Speaking of oneshots, this is the last one for this book. See you in 2.0! <3


Scott didn't know what to expect when they started this whole "friends with benefits" thing.

He certainly didn't expect to fall in love with his best friend, that's for sure.

And now, he's kicking himself. His feelings are getting in the way of their friendship. Things are becoming more awkward because Scott doesn't want to have sex with Mitch anymore, and it's confusing Mitch, Scott knows it is. He feels guilty, but he doesn't know what else to do.

It's not like he can just tell Mitch how he really feels, that's a silly idea.

It's been weeks since they've had sex, which is fine, but Scott misses Mitch. He just doesn't think that he can have sex with Mitch again without totally letting his feelings get in the way.

Scott sighs as he flops over onto his back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He's bored, and Mitch hasn't been home in about two days. He desperately misses talking to Mitch. But of course, he had to let his feelings get in the way and now everything is just so fucked up. All because of him.

Scott looks over when he hears a ding coming from his phone, letting him know about a notification. He lazily reaches over and grabs his phone, and sees that Mitch has posted something on instagram.

Scott smiles and instantly goes to the post, but his smile falters when he sees what the post is.

'lunch date with this cutie @beausloane' with a heart a emoji as well.

Scott gasps and immediately sits up, eyes wide as he stars at the post in disbelief.

Mitch is seeing a new boy? Is that why he hasn't been home lately? Scott really fucked things up.

Scott quickly scrolls down to the comments and sees that this 'Beau' has commented on Mitch's post, pretty quickly if he may add. Mitch's photo was only posted two minutes ago.

"Fuck," Scott hits his bed with his fist. He takes a deep breath as tears begin to form in his eyes.

There's no way he's going to let Mitch slip away just like that. Scott's not losing him that easily.

Scotty: come home, pls? we need to talk asap

Mitchy: omw

Scott's heart starts beating faster. He has no idea what's going to happen, and he only hopes that Mitch isn't going to reject him. It would completely break his heart.

Mitch gets home about thirty minutes later, and Scott is waiting for him in the living room.

"Queen?" Mitch calls as he walks through the door. "Hello?"

"Living room!" Scott calls back, taking a deep breath. He slowly stands up from the couch.

Mitch walks into the living room a few moments later. "Hey," he greets calmly, looking up at Scott. "So, what's up? Everything okay? Your text had me worried. I thought something happened to you."

Scott shakes his head, and walks over to Mitch. He cups Mitch's face with his hands and kisses him with all the passion he has in him, obviously surprising Mitch with his action.

It takes Mitch a moment to kiss him back, and he, luckily for Scott, relaxes into the kiss.

Scott pushes Mitch against the wall, earning a moan from Mitch.

Mitch pushes Scott away and looks up at the blonde with wide eyes. "What the hell is that?"

Scott takes a deep breath. "I-I'm sorry," he says with panic. "I-I didn't know what else to do. I know I've been a shit friend to you lately but that's because I've been trying to figure things out. Then you posted that picture with Beau whatever the fuck his last name is. I wasn't going to lose you without a fight."

"Sloane," Mitch adds. "His name is Beau Sloane. And, what are you talking about? You aren't losing me."

Scott blinks a few times. "But, you haven't been home? And... that picture. You went on a date."

"I haven't been home because it's been so fucking awkward between us, okay? You ignore me every time I walk into a room. Have I done something wrong? Just... fucking talk to me, Scott," Mitch snaps.

"It's not you, it's me," Scott says. "I know that's such a typical thing to say in situations like this. But, honestly, it's the truth. I... I let my feelings get in the way after we started being friends with benefits. And, I'm sorry. I fucked everything up. Everything was going so well." He sniffs, and shakes his head.

"Baby, why didn't you talk to me?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"B-Because I was afraid that you would reject me, and then hate me, and never want to see me again,"

Mitch chuckles, and reaches up to kiss Scott. "I could never hate you. I love you too much to do that,"

Scott's eyes instantly light up. "Wait... you love me as a friend? Or as... more than friends?" He asks.

"What do you think, dumbass?" Mitch playfully hits Scott on the chest. "Obviously as more than friends. I've had the biggest crush on you ever since we met. I thought you were so talented, and hilarious, and extremely cute. I've always just been too shy to say anything. I only agreed to being friends with benefits because it meant that I got to spend more time with you, especially being more intimate with you."

Scott blushes. "Wow," he whispers. "But... what about Beau?"

"We've been hanging out," Mitch shrugs. "We're just friends though. I don't think anything will happen."

"Oh," Scott chuckles nervously. "Th-That's good. I shouldn't have assumed anything."

"Well, what about Mark and Mason? You've been hanging out with them a lot lately..."

"What? Mark and Mason are a couple," Scott says. "I just third wheel with them. They're great people, and I absolutely love them to death. They're so fun to hang out with. You would love them."

Mitch smiles. "Guess we've both been idiots, huh?"

"Yeah," Scott laughs. "I'm sorry. I should have talked to you sooner, huh?"

"You should have, but I should have too.. But, that's alright. Better late than never," Mitch reaches up and kisses Scott again. "I love you, Scott, okay? I just want you to know that."

A smile forms on his face. "I love you too," he pulls Mitch into a warm hug, and sighs happily.

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