best friend

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Summary: Scott and Mitch argue over Mitch's boyfriend, Mitch goes out but ends up calling Scott for help at 3 in the morning in tears.


"You don't know shit about Connor!" Mitch yells angrily at his best friend.

"I know that he isn't good for you! He treats you like shit!" Scott yells back, just as angry.

"You don't spend time with him every day like I do!" Mitch scoffs. "I know you're just trying to protect me but I'm a big boy, Scott. In case you have forgotten... I'm an adult. I can take care of myself."

"Connor was literally insulting you the other day about you dressing like a girl," Scott snaps. "You would never put up with that shit any other time. Why is Connor so special?"

Mitch stares at him for a moment before shaking his head. "Connor is my boyfriend and I'll be with him if I want to be. You need to get over it or don't talk to me at all if you're gonna hate on him,"

"I can't believe you're choosing a guy you've known for less than two month over someone you've been best friends with since you were literally eight years old," Scott's eyes start watering up.

"You do this with every fucking guy Scott, and I'm sick of it!" Mitch yells as he throws his arms up.

"Because I love you!" Scott yells, and then his eyes widen. "And I-I care about you. You're my friend."

"Well, care about me a little less. Stop ruining all of my relationships," Mitch snaps.

"Is that what you want?" Scott asks, taking a deep breath.

"Yes! For God sakes!" Mitch yells. "Focus on your own damn relationships for once in your life. Seriously, when's the last time you went out on a date? Was it with Alex? That was almost a year ago."

Scott flinches slightly at the mention of his ex-boyfriend. "Fuck you, Mitch. You want me to stop caring? Then fucking fine. I'll stop fucking care about you!" He yells before storming out of the living room.

Mitch blinks a few times, confused at what just happened. "What? Wait... Scott!"

"Leave me alone!" Scott yells as he runs up the stairs.

"Scott!" Mitch yells as he runs over to the stairs, but he sighs when he hears a door slam shut. "Fuck!" He punches the wall, leaving a dent, but Mitch doesn't care about that.

Mitch pulls out his phone and calls his boyfriend, Connor.

"Conny? Will you come pick me up?" Mitch asks, sniffing a little.

"Sure, babe. I'll be there in a few moments. You alright?"

"I'm just really upset right now and I need my boyfriend," Mitch mumbles. "Please come pick me up?"

"Yeah, just let me get ready. I'll text you when I'm on my way,"

"Okay. Bye... love you," Mitch mumbles before hanging up.

Scott doesn't know what he's talking about. Connor is the sweetest boyfriend he's ever had.


It's hours later, around 3 o'clock in the morning, when Scott is woken up by a phone call.

"Hello?" Scott asks tiredly when he answers the phone.

"Scotty?" It's a quiet voice but Scott instantly recognizes it as Mitch's voice.

"Mitch?" Scott blinks a few times as he sits up. "It's 3 o'clock in the morning. What are you doing?"

"Please," Mitch sniffs a few times. "I'm a-alone and I'm sc-scared. Please come get me."

"Okay-" Scott flings his legs over the bed, standing up quickly. "Where are you?"

"I-I'm at the b-bar. Please Scotty, I'm scared," Mitch sniffs.

"I'm on my way, okay? Just don't go anywhere and don't talk to anyone. I'll be there as fast as I can," Scott says before hanging up the phone.

Scott doesn't care about the fight he had with Mitch earlier. His best friend was scared and that's the only thing on his mind right now.

It takes Scott about twenty five minutes to get to the bar. Scott instantly sees Mitch, but there's someone with him and Scott can tell that Mitch is uncomfortable.

"Yeah fucking right," Scott parks the car and gets out, slamming the door so the stranger with Mitch hears him.

Mitch looks over and gasps when he sees Scott. "Scotty!" He runs over to him, and Scott instantly pulls him into a if bear hug.

"Shh, I've got you," Scott whispers as he holds him close.

Mitch sobs as he buries his face in Scott's chest.

"Sorry, dude. I didn't know you had a boyfriend," the man says before walking away.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay, Mitch?" Scott asks softly.

"I-I j-just want to g-go ho-home," Mitch cries.

"Okay, let's go home," Scott whispers.

Scott doesn't know what happened to Mitch, but all he knows is that he's ready to fuck up whoever hurt his best friend.

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