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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch get into an argument, and Mitch is upset. So, he decides to try and get back at Scott by trying to make him jealous.

A/N: I almost forgot! Thank you so much for 11k+ reads! I hope you're liking these oneshots :) Don't forget to leave prompts under 'prompts/requests'! <3


Scott and Mitch have been best friends for as long as they can remember, practically since they were babies. They grew up across the street from each other and spent everyday together. So, it wasn't a shock when they came out when they were thirteen and were dating each other. They were opposites, but that never stopped them from being together and being a power couple.

Scott plays football, Quarterback. He's the most popular boy in school. He's friends with everyone, and all the teacher's adore him and praise him for his high grades. All the girls want him, but can't have him.

Mitch, is a different story. He's shy, but once you get to know him...he's very sassy. He doesn't have many friends, besides a ew, despite being Scott Hoying's boyfriend. Mitch doesn't like being in the popular crowd and Scott knows this, and never pressures him. He's happy just sitting on the sideline and cheering his boyfriend on at his games. He's getting through school and that's what's most important to him.

However, two days ago was the first time Scott and Mitch have ever gotten into a serious fight. Sure, they got into arguments over stupid little things, but made up quickly. This is different.

Scott doesn't even remember what the fight had been about, but he does remember what was said during the argument and that upset him.

However, Mitch wants to make Scott jealous. Scott suggests they should take a break and Mitch doesn't think so. It's unfair having to wait for Scott. He wants to show Scott what he's missing. But, Mitch is literally the most awkward human and he doesn't know how to interact with others. He has no idea what he's going to do.

It's Friday, which means Scott has football practice. Mitch usually goes with him and watches him from the bleachers. Mitch decides to still go to practice and sits in his usually spot, though he doesn't cheer like he normally does, and Mitch knows that Scott's aware that he's there.

"Hey Tiny,"

Mitch looks over and takes a deep breath when he sees Travis, another football player. Mitch never really talks to any of the other football players, mostly because he's too shy, but they definitely know who he is and they all know better not to mess with him because Scott's very protective of him.

"You alright? You're being awful quiet, and Scott hasn't even said anything to you..."

"I-I'm f-fine," Mitch says quietly. He doesn't even want to think about what Scott will say when he sees Travis talking to Mitch alone. Or maybe... this would be the perfect opportunity.

"Scott's been a little off today, you guys okay?" Travis asks, stepping closer to Mitch.

"Mhm," Mitch lies. "W-We're just, um..." He hesitates.

"Having troubles?" Travis chuckles. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Shouldn't you be practicing?" Mitch asks, raising his eyebrows. "You'll... get in trouble."

Travis looks over and rolls his eyes when he sees a couple of the players messing around. "I'll be fine,"


"What the fuck is that?" Scott asks angrily as he pushes himself off the ground.

"What's what?" Jake asks as he looks over at Scott.

"Travis. Why is he over there talking to Mitch? He never talks to him!" Scott exclaims as he nods towards Mitch and Travis sitting next to each other on the bleachers, Mitch laughing at something that Travis had just said. Scott's face is turning red with anger just looking at the two of them.

"That's because you never let anybody near him," Jake chuckles.

"He's my... he's my baby. Mitch gets a lot of shit from a lot of people and I want to protect him. Travis has never shown interest in him before so why is he getting all close to him now?" Scott asks.

"Are you joking? Travis has had a crush on Mitch for the longest time. Mitch is alone... of course he's going to take the opportunity to talk to Mitch when you're not around him," Jake says.

"That's fucking bullshit. He would really try to take Mitch from me?" Scott asks.

"Well... that over there, tells me yes," Jake says, looking over at the other two again.

Scott looks back at Mitch and gasps when he sees Mitch touching Travis's arms, his muscles. "Hell no! I don't care if Mitch is still mad at me. I'm not going to let this side," he snaps as he starts walking over towards Mitch and Travis. The thought of losing Mitch breaks Scott's heart, and he absolutely cannot let anybody take Mitch away from him. He's got to stop this before it goes any further.


Mitch jumps and looks over when he hears his name being called, and his eyes widen when he sees that it's Scott, who definitely doesn't look very happy at the moment, which scares him.

"Oh, hey Scott. Is break over yet?" Travis asks.

"Yeah. You should probably head over, we're about to start," Scott lies.

"Cool. Nice talking to you. Call me sometime," Travis says, smirking slightly before jumping off the bleachers and walking back onto the football field.

"You are not calling him. Ever," Scott snaps as he looks at Mitch.

"And why can't I?" Mitch asks, crossing his arms against his chest. "You don't want to be with me..."

"I never said that!" Scott yells, taking a deep breath. "I said we should take a break."

"And I told you to fuck off. Either you want to be with me, or you don't. Which one is it?" Mitch asks.

"Of course I want to be with you. I love you with all of my heart and soul. But..."

"No," Mitch snaps, jumping off of the bleachers. "There are no buts."

"Babe, Football is always going to be a part of my life," Scott says calmly.

"And what about me?" Mitch asks. "We hardly have time for each other anymore and I don't even want to think about what it's going to be like when you go off to college. There's no way we're getting in the same college together." He takes a deep breath as his eyes begin to water up.

"Mitchie-" Scott frowns and goes to take a step forward.

Mitch quickly takes a step back and shakes his head. "No," he whispers. "I need to go home..." He starts walking away but gasps when Scott grabs his wrist and pulls him back closer to him. "Scott!"

Scott leans down and presses his lips against Mitch's, kissing him with all the passion he has in him.

"Scott," Mitch whispers when the kiss ends.

"I understand what you're saying," Scott says, grabbing Mitch's hand. "I do, and I'll do better. I'll take to the coach and see what I can do. It's just... losing you, the thought breaks my heart. You're mine and I want it to stay like that forever."

"You promise?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott hopefully.

Scott smiles and nods. "Of course I promise. We'll get through this together,"

Mitch smiles, and then he giggles. "Wow... making you jealous was easy!"

"What?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "You were trying to make me jealous on purpose?"

"Um, oh... I just remembered!" Mitch laughs nervously. "I have chores to do. See you later?" Mitch quickly kisses Scott's cheek and starts rushing off, but squeals when a pair of arms are wrapped around his waist from behind, picking him up, and spinning him around. "Scotty, no! Don't!"

"You're not getting away that easily, little one," Scott laughs.

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