protector (pt. 2)

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Two months since his relationship with Mitch and Scott thought he would finally be happy.


Mitch still hasn't broken up with Travis because he doesn't want to "hurt" his feelings.

But what about Scott's feelings? Mitch is practically hiding their relationship. Is he ashamed?

"Mommy, what if he's only with me because he feels sorry for me?" Scott asks one night when he's helping cooking dinner with his mom. He always helps cook so that he knows what he's doing when he moves out with his own Alpha. He wants to be able to do stuff and not be totally useless.

"You can't think like that Scotty,"

"But he hasn't broken up with Travis yet and he's like showing him off but hiding me," Scott whines.

"Just give him a little more time," Connie says softly.

Scott huffs. "He's probably with him right now. I bet Travi can please him unlike I can. The only thing I know how to do is kiss and I'm not even that good at it," he says.

"Scott Richard," Connie says. "That is enough."

"I'm sorry ma'am," Scott mumbles as he hangs his head in shame.

"I didn't mean it like that. You're not in trouble, but I wish you wouldn't talk about yourself like that,"

"It's true though," Scott frowns, and then he looks over when he hears knocking at the door. "I'll get it." He walks out of the kitchen and walks to the front door. He opens it and blinks a few times when he sees Mitch standing in front of him. He hasn't spoken to him in a few days so he's surprised. "Alpha?"

"I told you not to call me that, remember?" Mitch chuckles. "Do you wanna hang out?"

"Did you break up with Travis?" Scott asks hopefully.

"Well, no... but he's busy and I-"

"I knew it!" Scott yells as he stomps his feet angrily. "I knew it. I'm such an idiot."

"What are you talking about?" Mitch asks as he steps inside the house and closes the door.

"You promised that you would break up with Travis but it's been two months and I'm still left in the dark. I didn't want to believe it but it's obviously true. You only want to be with me because you feel sorry for me,"

"How could you even think that?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"Because it's true!" Scott yells, his face turning red.

"Don't speak to me like that, Omega," Mitch warns.

Scott's eyes began to water up. "I-I thought you would be different. I thought you would protect me but you've done nothing. I don't want to see you anymore," he sniffs before rushing up the stairs.

"Scott!" Mitch yells. He starts to follow him up the stairs but stops when he hears someone say his name.

"Where do you think you're going?" Connie asks.

Mitch frowns when he sees Connie and steps off the stairs. "I-I..."

"I think you've done enough damage to my son. You should leave," Connie says.

"But I want to make things right. Please let me talk to him," Mitch begs.

"You'll just make things worse. Now go," Connie shoos him towards the door.

"But I-"

"Now, before I call the police on you," Connie warns.

Mitch's eyes widen and then he quickly runs out the door without saying another word.

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